Saturday, June 23, 2012

June 23
Quote of the Day

Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness.
As we're walking down the street with a friend, a lady calls out "A little help for me to get a slice of pizza for me and my two boys?" And I think: "First of all....a slice of PIZZA? That's your choice? As the only thing you're gonna feed yourself and your two kids?? How about a banana, lady! Second...Uhhhhh." And as I'm going through these oh so gracious and positive things, my friend reaches into his pocket and pulls out a dollar for the woman. And I feel a little bad. 
Now don't get me wrong, I'm one of those people who starts feeling bad for hours for that old gentleman who works at Walmart most likely for minimum wage and is so nice to everyone, while everyone keeps ignoring him or being rude. I'm one of those people who can't shake away the feeling of guilt and feeling sorry for a street vendor who on a busy street is the only one with no customers...almost going to buy food from him just because. Food that I can't eat. But man, beggars on the subways, on the streets of New York...I've turned cold. "Hi, I'm Johnny and you see me everyday, and here I am again so give me anything you've got! Any help? Anyone? Goddamit!" This guy....he's turned me heartless. Getting bombarded daily has turned my soul into stone.
Or maybe not quite, since I felt the guilt when I saw my friend reach out and give. What would I have done with that dollar? I would've saved it, gone to a store one day and bought a bag of chips. Or ice cream. Or starbucks coffee. And how is that any less of a "waste" even if that woman went and bought a slice of pizza with it? Or a can of beer. 

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