Friday, November 02, 2007

Maikun painostuksen alaisena...Paivitysta :D

Viime aikoina eolama on ollu jotenkin NIIN stressaavaa ja inhottavaa et en o jaksanu tehda mitaan. Koulu painaa, ihmissuhteet painaa, tulevaisuuden suunnittelu ahdistaa, raha-asiat vaivaa..miten 21 vuotiaan elama voikin olla tammosta?
Vaivausten lisaksi mun elama ei oikeastaan kyl o ollu mitenkaan tavallisesta poikkeavaa. Koulua oon kayny ja koittanu voittaa matikka-ongelmat. ughh. No success yet. Viime viikonloppuna oli halloweenpippalot, joissa parin kaverin voimin pukeuduttiin kuka mikskin ja oli ihan hauskaa. :) hmm..tassa muutamat kuvat :
Mustalainen ja apina.

Cowboy ja kaksi merirosvoa -- jack sparrow?

Mustalaiseukko rokkitahden ja lepakkomiehen kanssa :)
Mitahan muuta tahan keksis..tal hetkella istun luokassa ja koitan kovasti nayttaa ahkeralta -- mun ois tarkotus olla tan algebra/matikka luokan tuutori..miks? en tajua..oman kurssin kohtalo kun ei nayta niin kovin valoisalta..

Ootan kovasti pienehkoa thanksgiving lomaa -- tuskinpa yhtaan sen enempaa lepoa saan ku mita Marianne sen valiviikolla, mut pelkka loma-konsepti ajatuksena lepuuttaa hermoja :) Sit pian on jo joululomakin ja aiti ja Maria tulee tanne <3>

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Back in the States.
En o koko kesana saanu kirjotettua, koska..... a) netin toimintakyky treen kampalla on ollu rajallista, b) Ei o tapahtunu ihan NIIIIIN hirveesti mitaan mielenkiintoista, ja c) Ei Vaan Oo Saanu Aikaseks. Hmh. :)
Nyt jokatapaukses uus lukuvuosi on alkanu, tyota pukkaa paalle, ja algebran tunnit stressaa. yak yak yak. Mut kiva saada taa vuos pois alta ja sit siirrytaan seuraaviin maisemiin. Ja mulla on IHANA isantaperhe. Mun piti loytaa kamppa taks vuodeks, mut en osannu sanoo "ei" espanjan opettajalle, joka miehineen pyys mut niille asumaan. Ah. Hyva paikka (noin 100-200m koululta..ehka...suunnilleen), omaa rauhaa mulle, uima-allas, jarvinakyma takapihalla....ihanan ruma kissa. :D Kivaa on.
Tassa vahan lueskelin ihmisten kesakuulumisia -- vai joko taa on alkusyksya -- ja oli kiva updatetata (mitenkohan toi kirjotettais...) tietojaan. :) Niin..paivittaa tietojaan suomeks :) Maikun haat, Mariannen kamppa (mihin paasit mita mita mita?), idan enklailut, suskin kouluun paluu..Asiat tuntuu sujuvan kaikkien kohdalla. :)
Njoo..mulla ei nyt tahan hataan tan enempaa, pitaa menna hoitamaan elukoitten ruokailut, mutta taa nyt on tan vuoden bloggaamisen alku . :)

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Ihan pikku hetki sit tultiin New Yorkin sekamelskasta ja nyt on enaa 16 Tuntia ja oon matkalla KOTIIN :) :)

Toivotaan et lennot menee paremmin ku tulomatkalla, lahettakaahan rukouksia ylospain ja sit pian nahdaan!!! :) :) RAKASTAN!!!
Muisk Muisk ja Hali hali. :)

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Lueskelin yhen kaverin kanssa Kahlil Gibranin Profeettaa. On ihan uskomatonta lukee jotain tekstia, missa jokainen sana "rings truth"..tiia sit mite toi sanotaan suomeks. :) Joskus puol vuosikymmenta sitten ekaa kertaa tormasin Gibranin kirjallisuuteen ja olin allikalla lyoty. Lukekaa ihmeessa!!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Sain tassa pieni hetki sitten kirjotettua Naiskirjallisuuden kurssin lopputyon, ja ajattelin etta sepas kertoo musta paljon.

Lukekaapa Tanjan tarina :)

The New Spelling of My Name
Modeled after A New Spelling of My Name by Audre Lorde

To whom do I owe what I know, care about, and am now; whose world of thought do I hold embedded in me?

To my mother, the undeniable queen of my universe. Acceptance, love, care, support, wisdom, strength, independence, success, and magnificence all received a bodily form in my mother, and not a single day goes by that a thankful prayer to the heavens is not sent for her existence. Through her hard work, amazing character, and example “even my memories of poverty are seen through a screen of blooms” (Walker 2320-2321), for even in the midst of distress, love was what made our family prosperous. From now until the last of my days, I wish to be a witness of my mother’s life. If even a tenth of what is seen in her can be mirrored in my life, I will be well off. I am the biggest fan of all that my mother is.

“My father leaves his psychic print upon me” (Lorde 2132), as a rough path of disputes and frustration has slowly led to great respect. Willpower, self-sacrifice, intellect, incredible faith, and unending love are the ingredients that make up the greatest father on planet earth. The old rebellion and even contempt, that my young heart felt, have been replaced by admiration and love, and the often so disregarded words now echo in my mind, forming parts of my conscience that I can not, nor want to, ignore any longer. My father is in me.

Let me not forget, I have another Father. God has not always been as close to my heart as He is now, but His love is what has carried me through all my life. As little Marie in Erdrich’s Saint Marie, I have often felt as if I were in a battle with the corrupt and hypocrite world of religion. Not living up to certain people’s and the church’s expectations left me confused, and it was not until learning to see past religion and into the true essence of faith and God’s open arms that I could truly feel the blessing of having Him lead my life. That I do not have to fit certain shoes to be loved and accepted by my heavenly Father has been the greatest realization of my life. I am a child of God.

To Jesus Christ, whom I hold as an important example of how to live and love. Although I could never imagine doing as much goodness in my life as He did, I can strive to be His “signature made clear“ (Walker 2322). I am a disciple.

To schooling and all those that have taught me, for as intellectuals like bell hooks and Mary Wollstonecraft have realized, in education lies the solution to discrimination and prejudice (Hooks), because “intellect will always govern” (Wollstonecraft 261). Through the opportunities for education that I have been granted, the unstable mind is learning to step above prejudice (Wollstonecraft 262); it is able to “see more life” (Wollstonecraft 265), and it can choose more and more for itself (Wollstonecraft 263), rather than letting stereotypes and the world’s expectations reign over my thoughts. Through education, a realization of how little I know enters, and a yearning for more information, insight, and knowledge follows automatically. The quest for wisdom is unending, but I am on my way towards more understanding and maybe in the end becoming an intellect. I am a student - a “journeywoman” (Lorde 213) - for life.

To Mr. Leif Hongisto, my high school philosophy and religion teacher, who encouraged me to think outside the box and not limit myself to the easiest and most common answers and explanations for questions of any kind. Explore and analyze all possible options, always ask “but what if?”, leave room for other people’s opinions, have an open mind and allow your mind to expand a little more every day, respect others, never cross the fence where it is the lowest, and never turn down an opportunity for an interesting conversation or debate are all things that I consider having learned from him. I am a question-asker, an answer seeker, and a philosopher of my kind.

To the oh-so-hated boarding school. The few frustrating rules and the problems with the deans, and even the inevitable drama and gossiping, did not change the fact that the six years of dormitory-life were the best ones in my life. Independence, maturity, and coping methods acquired there are essential to surviving all the changes of place, culture, and both primary and secondary groups that I have went through. Because of those teenage-years, I am able to be a go-getter, a problem-solver, a survivor. I am an independent woman.

To music, that has taught me so much, shown me worlds that I never knew existed, and brought out parts of me that would have remained forever undiscovered. Like Edna’s art (Chopin), music serves as an escape route, a peaceful place, an understanding companion, and a paint with which to color the air and express myself. I am affected. I am a listener.

To this world, as it is today, and to history. Education is an extremely wide concept, as learning and broadening one’s mind does not take place only in a classroom and in the form of a lecture. Experiencing different cultures, living among different people, and learning of the times before my time have influenced my ideology and views on life greatly. Every day something fascinating can take place, and taking whatever lesson is offered is a powerful tool for expanding the views I hold. Eyes blind to the world of possibilities, ears deaf to the teachings of the rest of humanity, and a mind closed for any outside influences are the greatest downfalls of so many of today’s societies. Truly, “Men and women must be educated, in a great degree, by the opinions and manners of the society they live in” (Wollstonecraft 263), but that is not all. What affects life today extends through the pages of history and past the boarders of nationality. And what affects life today affects me. “I am a sum total of those who came before me” (Harris); I am a citizen of the world.

To the campus shooter at Virginia Tech, to the pedophiles lurking in the interned chat rooms, to O.J. Simpson, and to Osama Bin Laden and the terrorists of 9/11. The images of the falling towers and of the thousands of dust-covered people on the streets of shocked New York City have left a permanent mark in my heart and soul. I wish never to get sucked into something resulting in such evilness; I wish never to be anything like those suicide pilots or cold-blooded killers. The power of religion, charisma, and persuasion is nearly as interesting a topic as are the various ways the human mind works. What prompts an individual into causing such harm onto his or her fellow beings? How can a person willingly give her or his own life for acts of violence and hatred? What are the motives behind all the crime in the world? What are the forces dominating the minds of offenders - murderers, thieves, rapists, embezzlers? Does a potential criminal reside in all of us - including me? I am a future forensic psychologist and criminologist.

The two bloodlines that run in my veins, brought into me by the southerner who I call father and the northerner, my mother, are thick, at times blending into each other, at others so separate that a wall of otherness could be built between them. I feel that I at times see things that others may not, for I have often been “the other” and yet on other occasions been a part of the norm. The confusion of trying to separate the two different backgrounds so deeply rooted in me made life unbearable at times. As the Chinese-Americans in Maxine Hong Kingston’s No Name Woman (2241), I often tried to put all my characteristics into two boxes: Finnish and Bulgarian. Balance, however, seems to have been reached, and instead of feeling confused and like an outcast, both cultures now enrich me. I hold two worlds in me.
This insight into the different lives has brought up the beast in me that is anger: segregation is what I hate, and never will anything get my blood boiling as discrimination and stereotyping will. I am so much more than what I should be as solely a northerner or only a southerner. I am so much more than I should be or could be, if my existence were to be based on foolish overgeneralizations. Out of the stereotypes “I rise” (Angelou) and refuse “to confine oneself to a narrow, airless, tightly roofed arena“ (Mukherjee qtd. In Gilbert and Gubar 2253). I am whatever I want to be. I am more.

My grandmother was a fighter. For nearly a decade she lived with the cancer that took her from me. Even in her wheelchair she would be the perfect role model: loving, smart, accepting, always willing to learn from the world and the mistakes made in everyday life; even with only one breast she was the most beautiful woman in the world. The loss of the most important person has a crushing effect: there seems to be no point in continuing one’s life. Who do I wish to please now, and why would I try my best, when I can not share my accomplishments with her? As the days, weeks, and months after her death went by, however, as with Mrs. Bhave, braveness and the voyage of my own life made moving on finally possible (Mukherjee 2265).
As of this month, all but one of my grandparents are gone. Yet it is possible to smile, for the memories and life lessons they have taught me are still alive. I will always try my best - maybe grandmother sees my effort from afar. I will always try to look and act like an intellectual lady - for maybe the other grandmother still keeps me under her watchful eye. No matter what, I will respect those who work hard to provide for their families, as I know my grandfather’s whole life was about the betterment of his two daughters’ lives. While there is still time, my remaining grandfather will not be taken for granted. His wisdom, hugs, and reassuring and proud words are like priceless pearls that will be forever kept around my neck, even after he, too, is gone. I am Sirkka’s, Hannu’s, Tanja’s, and Peter’s oldest granddaughter.

To every human being that has touched me and influenced me along the road, for not a single utterance, act, and prayer has been in vain. I have been a daughter, a sister, an angel, a brat, a blessing, an idiot, a teacher and a role model, a student, a bad example, a moron, sunshine, an empress, and so much more completely owing to the relationships in my life. Niko taught me never to be too stubborn about anything, for it is surprising what can be learned if having courage enough to admit a mistake [ for the longest time, he did not believe a country called Bulgaria exists] . Aino taught me that playing with barbies is not just a game, it is a way of enriching one’s life. Misha taught me that getting past the superficial and the worry about outer appearance or looks can be the most important milestone on the road to astonishing beauty. Damany taught me that true friendship extends through time and place, and it is not easily overcome by trouble. Mariela taught me that money is not a prerequisite for a wealthy life, and that richness needs to be measured in something completely different to achieve fulfillment. I am in awe of all the people that have blessed my life through theirs. I am a peoples' person.

The people of the past who “dreamed dreams that no one knew...and saw visions no one could understand” (Walker 2315) are the ones that made so much of what I am today possible. To women like Sojourner Truth, Mary Wollstonecraft, and Rebecca West, as well as men like Aristotle, Newton, Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr., for they are “flaming like torches...[ that] define the borders of my journey” (Lorde 2132). If it was not for the then revolutionary ideas, realizations, and acts of these people - among many others - a great deal of the knowledge, freedoms, and rights that are taken for granted today would only be distant fantasies. If they had not come before me, would I be able to fight the fights they fought and thus ensure a better future for those coming after me. Am I willing to go the extra mile to oppose to and hopefully overcome the wrongs that are done in today’s society? Am I optimistic and confident enough, that I keep working hard towards reaching goals such as equality, even through trials and tribulations, and although I know the goals will not be reached in my lifetime? I wish to do my part in making the world a better place. I am to be the admired grandmother; I am tomorrow’s hero from the past.

To whom do I owe my personality and character?

“Guided by my heritage [ , my education, those around me, and God] search of my mother’s garden, I found my own” (Walker 2321), and everlasting gratitude extends to all that has influenced what I am today. I hope never to overlook a blessing sent to me in the form of a person, a book, a song, or anything else. Still, it is I who must take the first step and walk the walk towards building my character and making me me. I am the builder.

To the woman inside of me, revealing herself little by little, as time goes by and the possibilities for growth present themselves. To continuous desire for betterment, and to the love for self that seems to surface every now and then; they are what make happiness and satisfaction possible. The eyes that are pointed upwards and the mind that strives towards the heart’s dreams and goals provide the fuel that runs this life.

I am a work in progress, and I am a masterpiece.
I am Tanja.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Today's Questions Are as Follows:

Why do the last few weeks of school seem to last forever?

Why are we to let go, although we are not ready? Who decides that is the righ thing to do?

Why are life's biggest decisions scaring me?

Why is food sooooooo good?

Why can't we get what we need, while we need it? -- or do we?

Why does everything seem so desirable when it is out of one's reach?

Why must I work so hard to forget?

or forgive?

Why is there so little time in my life to enjoy good movies?

Why do I miss him so?

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Tanjalla on poikaystava. Siinapa uus tunne.
Pitkan vakslaamisen ja ollako vai eiko ollaamisen jalkeen oon paattany antaa talle suhteelle mahdollisuuden, jos kattoo paivamaaria ni kohta tulee jo kolme kk tayteen, mut on kyl ollu yhta sekamelskaa.

joten: rukouksia? Kiitos.

Muuten on koulu pitany edelleen stressilevon sopivan korkeella et pysyy kokoajan tietoisena laksyista ja tutkielmista sun muista. Viime espanjan kokeessa jatin kokonaisen sivun tekematta, kun en HUOMANNU sen olemassaoloa. Voi voi voi..sit opettaja tulee kokeiden palautuksessa mun poydan viereen ja kysyy: "Tanja, que paso?" ha ha. No, better next time.

En malta odottaa et koulu on loppu! Sit on viikon matka new yorkiin ja sit jo tuunkin pian kotiin! Naanhan kaikkia Topilan lakkiaisissa? Siiheks ois tarkotus paasta kotimaan kamaralle..

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Hipit Hengaa Herkullisten Hajujen Hurmaamina.

Springbreak 2007!!! Kuvia sain vihdoin laitettuu, vaikka pitikin laittaa yks kerrallaan. . .Vilkaskaahan pikaseen mun elamointiin taalla merten takana :)

The Shins - Nashville, Tennessee

The Georgian and the Bulgarian-Finnish --> EUROPE!! <3

Chattanoogassa kavelylla. Lamminta Lamminta :) :)

Mun Herttaiset Matkakumppanit :) :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Nohl. Kuvia en nyt saakkaan laitettua, en tiia missa vika. Mutta koitan lisata niita myohemmin. Huijaah.
Oonpas ma vahan kirjotellu viime aikoina!
Meil oli viime viikolla springbreak, ja meitsi lahti road tripille halki puol amerikkaa (no ehkei ihan) Tennesseehen. :) Kavereita moikkasin, ja monen mutkan kautta paadyinkin nakemaan toisen kaverin ku keta oli tarkotus nahda, ja oli upeeta ja mahtavaa kun ei oltu nahty neljaan vuoteen!!! PITTTKA AIKA! Mun viikko meni uusia ihmisia tavatessa, ja hippien kanssa (literally!!) hengatessa. Tassa muutamia kuvia....hipit on ne hulluimman nakoset pitkaletit..soittaa reggae-bandissa ja polttaa pilvea paivat pitkat...Voi voi kun Bob Marley varmaan ihailee niita haudastaan....hmh. Eipa ois mun valitsema elamantapa tuo....
Tassa jotain kuvia matkalta, mun tukkakin on vahan kasvanu ja tummentunu :)
Kaytiin upeella keikalla kuuntelemassa "The Shins"ia, tutustukaahan musiikkiin, en tiia tykkaisitteko, mut on kivaa :)
Takasin tulomatkalla (olin kaverin sukulaisten ja sen pikkupoikien kanssa matkassa), Tavian, 6v. Kysyy: "Are you a boy or a girl?" intensiivinen katse silmissaan ja kasi silitellen mun paata... :) Vastaus: "Well, what do you think?" "A GIRL, DUHH!!!!!" .. :) :) Hassuja nuo pikkuset.
ROOSA TULEE ALLE KUUKAUDEN PAASTA!!!! Uskomatonta ja ihanaa ja mahtavaa!
April the 4th ois tarkotus menna kans kuuntelemaan klassista kitaraduoa konserttiin Chicagoon..SWEET! :)
Mitas muille? Kertoilkaahan...heh. tai no niin, munhan pitais tietenkin vaan lukee teian blogeja ---- fool. :D
Muuten koulussa on vaan samalla lailla kiireista, mutta suuri askel eteenpain tuli otettua viikonloppuna --> Tanjalla on kannettava tietokone!! :D Enaa ei tarvi teha kaikkia tutkielmia ensin sahkopostissa, sitten copy&paste koulun koneilla ja tulostus. Huoh. AMAZING!!! :) ihanan kamalaa teknologiaa.... :)
Haleja kaikille!!!!!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Kun ei, niin ei.
Tuntuu et tasta elamasta ja varsinkaan koulutoista ei just nyt talla hetkella tuu mitaan. Ughh. Olis vaikka mita tehtavaa huomiseks mut jotenkin ei vaan saa aikaseks. Ihmissuhteet junnaa paikoillaan ja tuntuu et mihinsuuntaan vaan kaantyy ni joku vieressa olija menee kumoon tai saa mustelman.
Tukkakin on nyt sopivasti kasvanu semmoseen vaiheeseen et vahan arsyttaa kun ei saa laitettua mihinkaan suuntaan mut se ei kuitenkaan oo "IHAN LYHYT" niinku pitais olla.
Joo-o. Mitenkohan naa tammoset vaiheet osaa olla niin uuvuttavia? Kokoajan vasyttaa ja tekis mieli vaan hautautua jonnekin peittojen sekaan ja antaa maailman vaan menna ohitse omaa kovaa vauhtiaan. Onnistuiskin.
Kun on ulkona viela niin kylmakin. Ja sisallakin. Ja ittessakin on vaan kylmaa sisalla. Ja ikava.
Voi etta.
Tulis jo kesa ja Suomi vastaan.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Nyt on kiire, en ehdi jaarittelemaan.

Kohta oon 21!!!! :D Big Day, Big Day!!

Monday, January 01, 2007


Vihdoin Vaihtu Vuos taalla Kaliforniassakin, 9 tuntia Suomesta jaljessa, mutta ei se mitaan.. :) Mun juhlimiset ei ollu kummoset, vietettiin iltaa parin kaverin kanssa pitsan, tvn ja pelien seurassa. Kiva kuulla teidan uuden vuoden vietoista eri maissa...ja Jaakon haista haluun kuulla!!! Nyt! Heti! Details details!! :) :) Noh..pelaaminen jatkuu ja aamulla olis tarkotus menna Losiin kiertamaan ja shoppailemaan....ehka jahtaamaan muutamia kuuluisuuksia, if we get lucky?? xD huaha. No joo. Mutta toivotan kaikille ihanaa uutta vuotta ja paljon paljon halauksia jokaiselle!! Olette rakkaita!!!!!!