Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February 29
Quote of the Day
[or Poem of the Leap Day]

Of everything I have seen,
It is you I want to go on seeing.
Of everything I have touched,
It's your flesh I want to go on touching.
I love your orange laughter.
I am moved by the sight of you sleeping
That is why I love you, and yet not why.
There are so many reasons,
and yet so few,
for love has to be so involving and general,
particular and terrifying,
joyful and grieving,
flowering like the stars,
and measureless as a kiss.
Pablo Neruda

I don't know whether it was foresight and immeasurable wisdom or just a perfectly fitting coincidence,
but writing this poem down on the page at the end of February in my last year's calendar, definitely brings a smile on my face today.
This is a poem I love and dedicated to my love a year ago, and today, on the extra day of love we're all given [which for me, though, has been filled with everything but...uhh], I am again reminded of how little every little stressor, fear, annoyance or burden really matters when I look at my bab and feel him in my heart.
I love you, Love.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

February 28
Word of the Day

Surpassing the normal or ordinary, what is
usually considered natural.

How can I do something every day that surpasses the normal or ordinary?
And if I do this every day, does it become normal,
thus causing me to chase a constantly rising high?
Or rather than my first thought above, is the source of whatever is preternatural the ordinary?
Do the normal days and those beyond complement each other, making both that bit more wonderful?
Lately I've been rather enjoying ordinariness.
Routines, steadiness, predictability...all things wonderful, that make the next high that much higher. Or the slightest high that much more preternatural.

Monday, February 27, 2012

February 27
Quote of the Day

Life has taught us that love
does not consist of gazing at each other,
but in looking outward
in the same direction.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

But what happens when I tire of achieving; will you love me then?
What happens if I change directions, or want to, with you? Will we love still?
What about if I lose my will to plan and pursue? Or to strive. To keep at it, the rat race.
Will you still love me if I'm feeble, witless, afraid? Tired?
Where do we draw the line of changing within the constraints of the same person, versus turning into someone else. And if I turn into a being unknown to you, will you still love me?
Should you still love me, if I can no longer be who you loved?

And what is this "same direction" in a world that throws curveballs and pitfalls behind every corner?
They say couples who sleep with their backs turned at each other have true trust in one another and their love.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

February 26
Quote of the Day

I love her, and that's the beginning
of everything.
F. Scott Fitzgerald

That's it, the feeling of having found your place in the world and who you are.
Even if this discovery has brought with it characteristics completely alien to you, feelings that feel uncharacteristic, desires that pull you to places you feared before. Even if this discovery pulls you to even further confusion about your true being or identity, it is a goal, it is a start and it is a journey all in one.
Everything else stems from it or sprouts into new directions because of it.

February 25
Quote of the Day

As if you were on fire from within,
the moon lives in the lining of your skin.
Pablo Neruda

I've always been a night person, and maybe to an extent because of that, this is one of the most beautiful, passionate, quotes I have read. It evokes feelings and thoughts of heat, love, long nights, moon-filled thoughts and dreams, and the sensation of bursting at the seams from all the power and beauty that's waiting to escape into the world.

Friday, February 24, 2012

February 24
Quote of the Day

Someday, somewhere - anywhere -, unfailingly, you'll find yourself.
And that, and only that,
can be the happiest or most bitter hour of your life.
Pablo Neruda

We talk about this a lot with my best friend.
Figuring out who you are, what your life is about, what you want - what you should want, and where you're striving to go.
What is it that makes you happy? What is it that will bring you peace of mind, make you focused, steady, certain.
These talks are some of the most beautiful, yet most agonizing, ones we have. Discovering each other, but mostly ourselves, together, but mostly selfishly focusing on ourselves, is glorious, yet most of the time painfully misleading, discouraging, seemingly hopeless, or all-round ridiculous.
There are so many things that you wish to bring into who you are, so many people whose image of you you want to match, fulfill, mirror, whatever. There is so many crossroads where you wish you could split - or do you really?
It is difficult telling apart the you inside and the you under the pressures of the external. Or can they be told apart? Can they be separated? Are they - or have they ever been, even meant to be - separate?

I believe with all my psychologically biased and sociologically educated mind and my strong but silly heart that, whether you is you only when you are able to separate yourself from the expectations of you coming from outside or whether all that is outside and from the outside forms you just as much as all the you that is on the inside, discovering what you're made of and what you're about - finding yourself - will sneak up on you.
It hasn't happened to me yet, but the beauty of the moment - the deep, all encompassing sigh and relief that I trust come with finally knowing who you are deep down and with all that you are - is hugely reliant on the not knowing and frustrations along the unknowingness that come before it.

Until then.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

February 23
Quote of the Day

You can cut all the flowers,
but you cannot keep spring from coming.
Pablo Neruda

That's right biatches!! 60 degrees (15'C) and sunny in New York today!
Ahhhh. Feels so good to be warm. To open your coat and let the warm air onto your skin. To look down at the ground and see flowers growing. And to think of the coming season! I'm so ready.
Winter isn't fun with no snow and, thus, no reason to becold. Winter isn't fun with a cold breeze hitting your face in the Manhattan wind tunnels. And winter definitely isn't fun when all you can think of is spring and summertime.
So, LET'S GO! :)
On another note, you can put me down, you can spit in my face, and you can tell me I'll never make it, but what's coming is coming, and what's ahead for me will without failing come meet me sooner or later. And where I'm going is good, and you can't stray me from my path.
So, walk with me. LET'S GO! :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

February 22
Quote of the Day

The greatest danger to our future is apathy.
Jane Goodall

That's all.
February 21
Quote of the Day

An artist cannot fail;
it is a success to be one.
Charles Horton Cooley

I love this one.
It highlight art, taking the commerciality out of it. It speaks volumes about the value of an artistic idea, of a thought transformed to something concrete through whatever means.
And since I love art, I love that this quote loves art.

And since I cannot fail, here are a few pieces of my art:

In the Hourglass

I am sand
and I am out of your embrace.
No longer can you contain me .
tic-toc time
and grain by grain
I moved on.

Monday, February 20, 2012

February 20
Quote of the Day

We can't help everyone,
but everyone can help someone.
Ronald Reagan

Everyone can.
February 19
Quote of the Day

Faith in oneself is the best and safest course.

This is amazing.
In my dreams of doing this blogging, I imagined this year being filled of quotes that "ah, fit so perfectly!" for specific days. I imagined them being like little answers to my prayers or a guiding light at the end of a dark tunnel. Like a higher power, in the form of myself from a year ago, speaking to my current self and giving me support, advice, love and whatever I may need.

But this time it's actually the first time it happened!! I was having doubts. Not feeling like I can make all things happen that need to happen. Not feeling up to all the tasks ahead of me. And this comes.
Thank you me!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

February 18
Quote of the Day

Music is love in search of a word.
Sidonie Gabrielle

Love. This. Song.

Friday, February 17, 2012

February 17
Quote of the Day

When at least two people are together
it is impossible not to
Watzlovick Beavin & Jackson (1967)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

February 16
Quote of the Day

The difference between male and female is something that everybody knows
and nobody knows.
J. Money

Yet we're so the same.

February 15
Quote of the Day

Fall not in love, therefore:
it will stick to your face.
National Lampoon "deteriorata"

This post marks one month of solid blogging. And fittingly, it - just like my first post on January 15th - really follows on the day after. Regardless, it's a good day to celebrate love, as I strongly believe it should not be left just for February 14th.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

February 14
Quote of the Day

In a mad world.
Only the mad are sane.
Akira Kurosawa

Picture from the Sleep No More production,
All Rights Reserved

For some reason I like to read this quote as two separate parts.

In a mad world.
In a mad world makes me think of life. Of the craziness of people tolerating unhappiness in the pursuit of something commonly accepted as "the ultimate goal." Whatever that may be - money, power, God...In a mad world makes me think of the homeless man I saw sleeping on the floor of the 59th st. station, covered in a sheet head to toes, with hundreds of people rushing by. In a mad world makes me think of Wall street, and India, and economics in Greece. In a mad world makes me think of Sleep No More, and in a mad world makes me think of Donnie Darko.
In a sense, in a mad world stops my train of thought and just makes me wonder at all that is.
Only the mad are sane.
On Valentine's day it's fitting to think of those madly in love. Perhaps the most sought after madness, in today's world crazed with sanity, intellect, logic, clarity of mind is that brought about by love. Crazy, head-over-heels, blind, mesmerizing, irrational and dangerous, lose-my-mind because of how much I love you kind of love. In our madly sane world, those lucky enough (?) to be madly in love are the only ones living life as it should be lived, are the only ones with proper priorities, and the only ones sane enough to not waste time in pursuits such as fame, making money, living their careers and being politically relevant. Does this equal sanity? I don't know, but somehow it all makes sense.
Only the mad are sane.
The blurring of the lines between sanity and Insanity is ever so present, not only in my field, but in the world in general. We look at people going nuts over the latest gadget, giving up their health, family life, and love for things such as career, status, excitement. But they're not insane like those declared "not guilty by the reason of insanity." Right?
Only the mad are sane.
Does the insane man live in a better world, because he is out of touch with the mad world we live in?
The above video was taken during Fashions Night Out in NYC last fall.
The image with envelopes is a detail from "Come&Go" by Petra Valdimarsdottir.

Monday, February 13, 2012

February 13
Quote of the Day

Nothing else exists when art does.
Michael Patrick King

Today I'm sharing a piece of art that stops me in my tracks. Every time.
In a world where peace seems to be the grandest - and hardest - of pursuits, this piece manages to extract me from the chaos that sometimes seems to move from the everyday outside to dwell inside me. It quiets the rush, and it makes me sigh. A deep, relaxing, calming exhale - followed by a little pause, a little piece of what they probably meant when crafting the word "peace".
I hope you love it as much as I do.

"Mona Lisa" from the series "Paris Syndrome" by Hanna Haaslahti
All Rights (And Glory) Reserved to the artist of the original artwork.

For more work by the artist, you can go to:

Sunday, February 12, 2012

February 12
Quote of the Day

Sex is the biggest nothing of all time.
Andy Warhol

I'm not really sure what to make of it, but for reasons obvious to some, there is something very appealing about this quote to me. What is sex really in and of itself?
What is sex without love? Pleasure, some might say. But do you enjoy it without the attraction? Do you enjoy it without the excitement of the person you're sharing it with? What is sex without the outcome, could be asked..Or is sex sex without including the outcome? What would sex be without the hype around it; without its claimed place at the center of our oversexified universe?
Or is it this over-and-beyond exploitation of sensuality, sexuality, pleasure and passionate relations that has turned sex into the biggest nothing of all time?
As I said, I'm not really sure what to make of it. This quote. Or sex.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

February 11
Quote of the Day

The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work.
Harry Golden

And I am so not feeling like getting anything done these days.

Friday, February 10, 2012

February 10
Quote of the Day

Early morning cheerfulness can be extremely obnoxious.
William Feather

What a fitting quote for today, when I had no early morning cheerfulness whatsoever. But I got up. At eight. Because I had a Skype date with my 2month old nephew and my sister. But they bailed! So slightly disappointed, and knowing that I shouldn't, I went back to sleep....and the day was unlucky from there on. Late to this, missed that, didn't have the time to do this, had to skip that.
Lesson learned.
Until next time, that is.

Yesterday we went very sociological.

February 9
Quote of the Day

Culture is the medium through which one experiences the world.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

February 8
Quote of the Day

It wasn't raining
Noah built the ark.
Howard Ruff

Fire escapes in Brooklyn, New York

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

February 7
Quote of the Day

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.
Maya Angelou

Here's mine.

The New Spelling of My Name

Modeled after A New Spelling of My Name by Audre Lorde

To whom do I owe what I know, care about, and am now; whose world of thought do I hold embedded in me?

To my mother, the undeniable queen of my universe. Acceptance, love, care, support, wisdom, strength, independence, success, and magnificence all received a bodily form in my mother, and not a single day goes by that a thankful prayer to the heavens is not sent for her existence. Through her hard work, amazing character, and example, even in the midst of distress, love made our family prosperous. From now until the last of my days, I wish to be a witness of my mother’s life. If even a tenth of what is seen in her can be mirrored in my life, I will be well off.

I am the biggest fan of all that my mother is.

“My father leaves his psychic print upon me,” as a rough path of disputes and frustration has slowly led to great respect. Willpower, self-sacrifice, intellect, incredible faith, and unending love are the ingredients that make up the greatest father on planet earth. The old rebellion and even contempt, that my young heart felt, have been replaced by admiration and love, and the often so disregarded words now echo in my mind, forming parts of my conscience that I can not, nor want to, ignore any longer.

My father is in me.

Let me not forget, I have another Father. God has not always been as close to my heart as He is now, but His love is what has carried me through all my life. I have often felt as if I were in battle with the corrupt and hypocrite world of religion. Not living up to certain people’s or the church’s expectations left me confused, and it was not until learning to see past religion and into the true essence of faith and God’s open arms that I could truly feel the blessing of having Him lead my life. The greatest realization of my life has been that I do not have to fit certain shoes to be loved and accepted by my heavenly Father. I am a child of God.

To Jesus Christ, whom I hold as an important example of how to live and love. Although I could never imagine doing as much goodness in my life as He did, I can strive to be His “signature made clear.“ I am a disciple.

To schooling and all those that have taught me, for in education lies the solution to discrimination and prejudice. Through the opportunities for education that I have been granted, my unstable mind is learning to step above prejudice; it is able to “see more life”, and it can choose more and more for itself, rather than letting stereotypes and the world’s expectations reign supreme. The quest for wisdom is unending, but I am on my way towards more understanding and maybe in the end becoming an intellect. I am a student - a “journeywoman” - for life.

To my high school philosophy and religion teacher, who encouraged me to think outside the box and not limit myself to the easiest and most common answers and explanations for questions of any kind. Explore and analyze all possible options, always ask “but what if?”, leave room for other people’s opinions, and allow your mind to expand a little more every day, respect others, never cross the fence where it is the lowest, and never turn down an opportunity for an interesting conversation or debate are all things that I consider having learned from him.

I am a question-asker, an answer seeker, and a philosopher of my kind.

To the oh-so-hated boarding school. The few frustrating rules and the problems with the deans, and even the inevitable drama and gossiping, did not change the fact that the six years of dorm-life were the best in my life. Independence, maturity, and coping methods acquired there are essential to surviving all the changes of place, culture, and both primary and secondary groups that I have went through. Because of those teenage-years, I am able to be a go-getter, a problem-solver, a survivor. I am an independent woman.

To music, that has taught me so much, shown me worlds that I never knew existed, and brought out parts of me that would have remained forever undiscovered. Like art, music serves as an escape route, a peaceful place, an understanding companion, and a paint with which to color the air and express myself. I am affected. I am a listener.

To this world, as it is today, and to history. Learning and broadening one’s mind does not take place only in a classroom or through a lecture. Experiencing different cultures, living among different people, and learning of the times before my time have influenced my ideology and views on life greatly. Every day, taking whatever lesson presents itself is a powerful tool for expanding the views I hold. Eyes blind to the world of possibilities, ears deaf to the teachings of the rest of humanity, and a mind closed to any outside influences are the greatest downfalls of so many of today’s societies. What affects life today extends through the pages of history and past the boarders of nationality. And what affects life today affects me. “I am a sum total of those who came before me”; I am a citizen of the world.

To the campus shooter at Virginia Tech, to the pedophiles lurking in the interned chat rooms, to O.J. Simpson, and the terrorists of 9/11. The images of the falling towers and thousands of dust-covered people on the streets of shocked New York City have left a permanent mark in my heart and soul. I wish never to get sucked into something resulting in such evilness. The power of religion, charisma, and persuasion is nearly as interesting a topic as are the various ways the human mind works. What prompts an individual into causing such harm onto his or her fellow beings? What are the motives and forces dominating the minds of offenders - murderers, thieves, rapists, embezzlers? Does a potential criminal reside in all of us - including me?

I am a future forensic psychologist and criminologist.

The two bloodlines that run in my veins, brought into me by the southerner who I call father and the northerner, my mother, are thick, at times blending into each other, at others so separate that a wall of otherness could be built between them. I feel that I at times see things that others may not, for I have often been “the other” and yet on other occasions been a part of the norm. Nevertheless, both cultures enrich me.

I hold two worlds in me.

I am so much more than what I should be as solely a northerner or only a southerner. I am so much more than I should be or could be, if my existence were to be based on foolish overgeneralizations. Out of the stereotypes “I rise” and refuse “to confine [my]self to a narrow, airless, tightly roofed arena“.

I am whatever I want to be. I am more.

My grandmother was a fighter. For nearly a decade she lived with the cancer that took her from me. Even in her wheelchair she was the perfect role model: loving, smart, accepting, always willing to learn from the world and the mistakes made in everyday life; even with only one breast she was the most beautiful woman in the world. Losing her had a crushing effect on me: there seemed to be no point in continuing life. As the days, weeks, and months after her death went by, however, braveness and the voyage of my own life made moving on finally possible.

Today all my grandparents are gone. Yet it is possible to smile, for the memories and life lessons they have taught me are still alive. I will always try my best - maybe Sirkka-mummo sees my effort from afar. I will always try to look and act like an intellectual lady - for maybe baba-Tanja still keeps me under her watchful eye. No matter what, I will respect those who work hard to provide for their families, as I know Hannu-vaari’s whole life was about the betterment of his two daughters’ lives. Djado-Petjo’s wisdom, hugs, and reassuring and proud words are like priceless pearls that will be forever kept around my neck. I am Sirkka’s, Hannu’s, Tanja’s, and Peter’s oldest granddaughter.

To every human being that has touched me and influenced me along the road, for not a single utterance, act, and prayer has been in vain. I have been a daughter, a sister, an angel, a brat, a blessing, an idiot, a teacher and a role model, a student, a bad example, a moron, sunshine, an empress, bab, and so much more completely owing to the relationships in my life. I am in awe of all the people that have blessed my life through theirs. I am a people person.

And I am loved. Who I am today would be an impossibility without my love. A guiding light, a peace amidst my storms, a home to call my own, my love is the best thing to ever sidetrack me. He inspires me, admires me, and makes me more of who I am and a completely different person all in one. He's turned me into a romantic fool, while loving me for all the less feminine in me. He loves me for all I am, yet helps me strive for so much more. The life we have shared, share, and will share in the future is full of people, laughter, adventure, trials and tribulations, joy and conversations, patience and impatience...and love.

Our love fills life with possibilities and makes it beautiful.

The people of the past who “dreamed dreams that no one knew...and saw visions no one could understand” are the ones that made so much of what I am today possible. If it was not for the then revolutionary ideas, realizations, and acts of these people, a great deal of the knowledge, freedoms, and rights that are taken for granted today would only be distant fantasies. If they had not come before me, would I be able to fight the fights they fought and thus ensure a better future for those coming after me? Am I willing to go the extra mile to oppose to and hopefully overcome the wrongs that are done in today’s society? Am I optimistic and confident enough, that I keep working hard towards reaching goals such as equality, even through trials and tribulations, and although I know the goals will not be reached in my lifetime?

I wish to do my part in making the world a better place.

I am to be the admired grandmother; I am tomorrow’s hero from the past.

To whom do I owe my personality and character?

“Guided by my heritage [, my education, those around me, and God] search of my mother’s garden, I found my own.” Everlasting gratitude extends to all that has influenced what I am today. I hope never to overlook a blessing sent to me in the form of a person, a book, a song, or anything else. Still, it is I who must take the first step and walk the walk towards building my character and making me me. I am the builder.

To the woman inside me, revealing herself little by little, as time goes by and the possibilities for growth present themselves.

To continuous desire for betterment, and to the love for self that seems to surface every now and then; they are what make happiness and satisfaction possible. Eyes that are pointed upwards and a mind that strives towards the heart’s dreams provide the fuel that runs my life.

I am a work in progress, and I am a masterpiece.

I am Tanja.

What's your story?

Monday, February 06, 2012

February 6
Quote of the Day

Adopt the pace of nature;Her secret is patience.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Just breathe.
Do what you can today, leave the rest for tomorrow.
Don't fight the inevitable, the out-of-your-control, the past.
Instead, embrace what you have, what you can achieve, and what is around you today.
Love life with the same rigor life loves you,
and while learning from nature, also respect her.

Here are some pictures of our weekend trip out to the New York Botanical Garden. It was amazing, and I got to enjoy my vital dose of green. :)

Sunday, February 05, 2012

February 4
Quote of the Day

Excellence is not a skill. It is an attitude.
Ralph Marston

This quote brings up a bone that I have to pick with myself.
Throughout college I've been pretty much a 4.0 student, I've done well, I've succeeded in many things and in many areas of life. But I don't try. Granted, I don't slack either, but I don't put in any more effort than is absolutely necessary. I procrastinate, I study for exams only on the last night, I don't do extra credits. And I cannot bring myself to make the extra effort to read additional readings and educate myself outside of the compulsory stuff. And because I still pull of the good GPA and know a thing or two, I don't have to.
You know what all of the above amounts to? Apart from the straight A's and diplomas and being boxed into the "good student" category because of good results? Definitely not a feeling of excellence.
I feel this is what Marston must have meant when he speaks of excellence as an attitude. Even if my results would indicate excellence, success and whatever else seeming intellectual abilities can be described as, without putting the effort, without knowing that I did my best and pushed as hard as I could, doing well - even extremely well - does not equal excellence.
This is where a decision I've made comes in. I've planned on this over and over again, without excelling in it, so now the time has come to actually put the effort in, do my best, work as hard as I can - not as hard as is necessary for an A, not as hard as is necessary to get noticed by professors or my boss, but as hard as I can.
This spring - and beyond - I am planning on excelling. Over and beyond just succeeding.
Because when event befall that require that extra push - and they will and do - I need to not be used to surviving without a sweat.

February 5
Quote of the Day

When Maya Angelou wrote that
"Nothing will work unless you do," she was definitely onto something. You have to be willing to strive, sweat, push again and again to make the life you want for yourself.
Yet, the sad thing is that many things work even without you putting in an effort, and this can teach you a lesson you should never take to heart. Luck, talent and privilege can lull you into a state of entitlement, an effortless existence and an inattentive character, and, if you ask me, few things are worse than arrogantly lazy successful people, who cannot fathom that others have to work to attain results and prosperity.

Friday, February 03, 2012

February 3
Quote of the Day

Deep experience is never peaceful.
Henry James

One of the first things you learn in critical thinking is to be on the watch for absolutes. Never, nothing, always, all. A red light should go off in your head and a re-read should follow.
Thus, here we go.
At first read, yes, "deep experience is never peaceful" seems like a solid statement that somehow fits into this little space in our lives where love is magical and blind, sadness is overpowering and a sea of endless darkness and despair, anger takes over our every waking moment and burns like hell's fiery pits. It all sounds - and even feels - so familiar, I'm almost nodding my head. But the familiarity is more Hollywood-originated than something I know from experience.
Really, at least in my life so far, love - the true, deep, all bearing love that I hope to have for the rest of my life - is pretty peaceful. It consists of conversations, negotiations, compromises, laying quietly in the other person's presence, feeling a sense of calm at home, and loving every moment of a discussion with my best friends or my mother. Sadness, while at times almost unbearable, often resembles confusion - a much more day-to-day feeling - and while anger sounds quite extreme, I am yet to experience an unforgivable, thunderous, all-consuming annoyance. Because that's what anger often is, annoyance, aggravation, frustration. Yet we tend to make it so much more. Considering some of the other deepest emotions I've ever experienced, honor, reassurance, and trust exude calmness.
Most of all, though, I disagree with this quote in my belief that the deepest, most satisfying, most life-altering experience is the sense of calm. A peaceful heart. A satisfied soul. And the matter of fact is that people who live with a peace of mind are the only ones truly experiencing all those other emotions that we so love to explore and rave about.

Thursday, February 02, 2012

February 2
Quote of the Day

Color is an intense experience on its own.
Jim Hodges

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

February 1
Quote of the Day

My dreams were all my own;
I accounted for them to nobody;
they were my refuge when annoyed
- my dearest pleasure when free.
Mary Wollstonecraft

Last year at this time I was clearly on a dream roll. And while I would gladly talk about dreams for a day more, I'm devoting this pos to the amazingness of Mary Wollstonecraft.
Her "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman" first amazed me in a women's literature class. The strength with which she writes against the gender discrepancies of her world and the courage which her texts exude is captivating. If you're a woman, Read her! If you're a man, Read her! If you're in any way hoping to change the world, Read her! Just...Read her!
And that's all folks.

Except, about her dreams quote. Do allow your dreams to be your refuge.
Although I was talking about sharing them and how beautiful that can be, don't let others exploit your dreamworld. Don't let them come in and put your dreams down, confront them with reality, shatter them with laughter. Don't let them steal your dreams (yes, I've seen Leo in Inception and am fully aware of the dangers of dream theft. Beware.)
Luckily, our mind has the wonderful way of birthing new dreams when old one's become too superficial, too out in the open and too unsatisfactory for whatever reason.