Thursday, June 14, 2012

June 14
Quote of the Day

To live is the rarest thing in the world. 
Most people exist, that's all. 
Oscar Wilde

This idea is something I struggle with often. And I know that my writing on here makes it appear like I struggle with a lot of thoughts and ideas, but what can I do? As a thinking person - an OVERthinking person, perhaps - I look at most things in life from a thousand and one perspectives, analyzing them, comparing and contrasting, considering all options obvious and not.
To live. It's quotes like this that make life - living - something extraordinary, something blissful, always exciting, tumultuous, movie-like. And dutifully, we follow. Life becomes a roller coaster. Going from one day to the next simply "existing," moving from a peaceful moment to the next, becomes a wasted life or - as Wilde describes it - no life at all.
I find myself divided between these two things. Desperately yearning for the next best thing, the next turbulence, the next risk to be taken...sometimes at the cost of a peace of mind that a more balanced existence can grant me. Or peace of mind might be the wrong term, as it is exactly this duality that pulls the peace out of my reach.
Does living really demand that much effort? Does it really demand a constant flow of newness, heat, impulsivity? Or could living exist on a continuum? Not a continuum from less to more or worse to better, but on a continuum of differing styles, differing preferences and joys? And if so - which I suspect is the case - how do I find, solidify, and get content with my place on the continuum of life?

Any enlightening thoughts?

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