Saturday, July 28, 2012

July 28
Quote of the Day

Don't let yesterday use up too much of today. 
Cherokee Proverb

We had a wonderful discussion today with some friends, and the beauty of an alzheimer patient's reactions to common things, such as the feel of one's skin, the beauty of a flower came up. Now, I'm not saying this makes alzheimer's a goal to reach for, but there's something to be considered here. But it's easy to say, "look at the beauty of discovering things anew, of appreciating the beauty in everyday life, of not letting the disappointments, the baggage of the past distract you, pull you away from the beauty of life..." It's much harder to find a way to make this happen.

Can I truly be separated from much of the past that makes my life my life? Would I want to? Should I want to? Isn't it my ability to look at history, to gaze in to the future, and to consider all these things in total - with today's thoughts, feelings, and emotions - what makes me human? Or does too much thinking and overanalyzing hinder the re-discovery of the primal human in me?
And what's "too much"?

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