Wednesday, July 25, 2012

July 25
Quote of the Day

First of all...Glorious Birthday to my Moron! <3 <3 <3

The only true gift is a portion of yourself.

When you give some of yourself, it means you lose something. It means compromising, it means putting your wants aside, it means considering the other's wants over yours.
This should happen not only in marriage and romantic relationships, but in friendships, in family-relationships, even at work.
Only as of late, I've begun realizing that giving a part of yourself is not the same as your views morphing and becoming closer to those of the people you love and value. Giving a part of yourself means having perhaps completely different views, but choosing to follow those of the other, because of the relationship you cherish. Because you love them. In other words, in relationships, "sometimes you have to believe despite of what you know," as a dear friend put it.
I have a feeling this road to less selfishness and more giving in will be quite agonizing, but the results that it can bring with it oh so much more valuable than getting my way - whatever that may mean.

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