Thursday, March 22, 2012

March 22
Quote of the Day

An idea is salvation by imagination.
Frank Lloyd Wright

I've started working on a rooftop garden.
As of now, there is nothing up on the roof except a table I found curbside, but just plotting it out, planting various flowers and strawberries, picking out colors, and pure and simple letting my imagination run wild is relaxing.
Our kitchen/dining room is getting filled not only by greenery, but by soil and pots, and I'm feeling little childish giddiness hoping that my peonies will grow faster and faster and peeking into my eco-friendly trader-joes-bag-planters to see if any progress can be seen.
Over the weekend I'm hoping to takethe show outside as I'll finally have a little spare time on my hands, and maybe I'll even get a chance to go on a scavenger hunt for additional materials.
While a non-existent budget can be frustrating at times, I almost find it that much more fun to do what I can with what I have available on the streets thanks to the ever-so-generous people of New York.
Here's a little foretaste:
I can't wait to share the progress on here! :)

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