Saturday, December 08, 2012

December 8.

Quote of the Day. 

Friendship enriches life beyond anything else imaginable. 

The simple fact that who I am, how I feel, where I go and where I come from has always been and will always be hugely affected and even defined by those around me, those I love, those I value and who share their lives and my life with me is something I have been reminded of tonight.

I was putting up holiday decorations and baking in preparation for a get together for the afternoon, and spending time with my love, regardless of it being to a large extent with a room of separation between us was calming and lovely. Then the house filled up with friends' beautiful faces, and my heart filled up with joy. There's such a wonderful blessing in sharing your home with those you love!

Afterwards, we took some time to clean up and were just looking at the signs of the past few hours: crumpled napkins, leftovers, burnt candles, and empty bottles and plates around moved around chairs. It feels our home became much more alive and homey after having friends visit. No wonder they call it a house warming party!

Of course, we didn't manage to make any pictures while people were here,
so these post-clean up pictures will have to do. 

1 comment:

Maria said...

Ihana joulukoti <3 ! Ja toi kakkoskuva on ihana :)

pus !