Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 31st
Quote of the Day

Youth would be an ideal state if it came a little later in life. 
Herbert Henry Asquith

I don't agree at all! Why would it be? So you could be young and energetic and ready to go and experience all kinds of new things and discover when you should be responsible and sit down with your family and sit down to do work and be patient and whatnot? I don't really understand. I think human life's been designed pretty rationally, with youth and experimentation and running around risking things and trying things going hand in hand, and the calmer years coming right when they should. And by calmer I don't necessarily mean boring. or lifeless. or somehow "less". But I think many of the things that are a glorious part of adulthood and later life require the things that come with age. Whatever those are from individual to individual.
Speaking of that, I read a quote on aging and beauty by the stunning Hattie Retroage, which I think kind of relatedly sums my opinion on this up: "You don't compete with the young, you inspire them." Just calm down and embrace that you're not forever young.

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