Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January 15.

Quote of the Day. 

We never really grow up;
we only learn how to act in public. 
Unknown - weheartit.com

I guess I was pretty correct in my prediction a year ago, when I picked this quote. A year has gone, yet I don't know that much has changed. Much about me, at least. My surroundings have changed, my situation has changed...but I feel I keep treading the same waters, falling into the same traps, and loving the same goofy things.
Or maybe I'm just too close to see the progress and growth which might inevitably have taken place during the last 365 days.

This quote also kind of makes me think of this blog, and the quest I set on a year ago. I foresaw all sorts of growth, perseverance, insight ...But I think, however many quotes later - definitely not 365 - I've shown myself that I'm not as head strong as I thought I could be, I run away from goals rather than toward them (Onks toi joku bulgarialainen tapa vai? hah), and I don't seem to care about achieving something like this, as much as I told myself it'll prove something. It'll prove that I can.
Oh well.

Here I am, so GLAD I can now quiet the nagging debate in my head about whether it's important or not to post the daily quotes, and I can truly just concentrate on life...posting only when I truly feel inspired to.
I do think I've gained one good thing from this process, and that's a rather large collection of quotes that I more or less love. Cheers to that.

- And Happy 27th Birthday to me!

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