Thursday, August 02, 2012

August 2
Quote of the Day

Fashion is what you adopt when you don't know who you are. 
Quentin Crisp

There's an interesting trend of being un-trendy, being "unique", un-fashionable, ugly even, that seems to have taken the world - and not just the fashion world - by a storm. "You have to hate hipsters to be a true hipster," I was once educated. Now.....I don't know what to say. Has this craze to "not care" become the most prominent obsession of our day? And if you don't care only to fit in better, is this the ultimate loss of personality or expression, far beyond choosing which to follow out of the latest fads?

And, of course, fashion doesn't simply have to relate to clothes, accessories, and beauty. Adopting a religion, a taste in music or movies, a diet, or any opinion and idea that seems to be gaining widespread attention at any given moment is a tempting way of putting the difficult task of defining myself into the willing hands of everyone else but myself.

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