Quote of the Day

Eye contact is the best accessory.
Takayuki Ikkaku, Arisa Hosaka, and Toshihiro Kawabata in
"Animal Crossing"
Customer service people of New York, eyes on this quote, please!
This is one of the biggest truths of human life, if you ask me. It is so simple, yet so difficult to live up to. For whatever reason, people shy away fromeye contact.
I tend to make a point of looking people in the eye, smiling, nodding, greeting, when walking around town. But you can eventake the smiling, nodding, and greeting away, and just eye contact will make a huge difference. People respond to eye contact.

Okay, they respond in varying ways: suspicious and confused looks (I've gotten the "What are you smiling at?" smirk on more than a few occasions...), turning away, ignorance..But more often than not, people like it. They turn around and look at you for a split second longer, with an almost-smile twitching at the side of their mouth. Sometimes they even smile back, nod...talk! And that opens up a whole new bunch of sensations that can make your commute/morning/day/life just that tad bit brighter.

Eye contact also makes a world of difference when you look at a beautiful woman or a great looking man. Eye contact can change them from the cold bitch or stuck up jerk to an all encompassing hot flash in the middle of your dullest day. Mm-mm.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you make professional contacts, friends, lovers.
Open your eyes, and let the light in.
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