It is never too late to be what you might have been.
the ever-wise, ever-wonderful fridge magnet
Today we opened our chocolate advent calendar's first door a day late. That may not be the world's greatest tragedy - in fact, it wasn't a tragedy at all, but simply meant I had a piece of chocolate all for myself, while my love had one he could call his own - but it is a tiny example of how missing the mark does not have to mean that you'll now spiral down down down and away from the path you should've been on and the dreams you needed to chase.
Put in another way, perhaps getting a degree or two in a field you might not exactly pursue does not mean you can't take a few additional steps to move toward the direction that you decided not to move in in your post-high school wisdom..Right? As a matter of fact, what this magnet that I once gave my love and that now stares me in the eye every time I go for some snacks makes me think of are the opportunities that lie ahead just because I took this road that I now feel may not have been the best to take. I must say, even in my head, the combo of criminal justice, forensic psychology, and design sounds unique. And in its uniqueness, exciting and door-opening! Ultimately, I am the one who can decide that it is not too late to look back, grab that part of my dream that I let slip out of my fingers a while ago, and stick in the pot that is now my life. And deciding to incorporate a set aside love into my aspirations for the future sounds a lot better than forever wavering between two paths and wondering "what if?"
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