Sunday, November 11, 2012

November 9.

Quote of the Day

A true friendship ought never to conceal what it thinks. 
St. Jerome

I am extremely blessed to have this type of friendships. Not one, but several, including my relationship with my sisters. It took a while in my teenage years for some of my friends to get used to my matter-of-factness and (perhaps overly) honest sarcasm, but those who stuck around have not only learned to appreciate it after learning that it is not meant to be judgmental, hurtful or condescending, but have also begun responding with similar arsenal. So, if you ask me, we're in a good place now.
Now the above, while it may seem to make me seem like I didn't budge from my approach, does not mean there wasn't compromise and growth on my part. I've definitely had to learn to hold my tongue in certain situations, and I've come to understand that that doesn't mean that "you're asking me to change who I am!!"
So after years, with my two best friends it's been over a decade now, I feel what makes our relationship "true" and amazing and strong, is not only that it's honest and open, but also that it's comfortable. Unlike with so many others, we don't have to worry if one of us hasn't gotten around to keeping in touch for weeks or if we continue to seriously disagree on a topic that's extremely important to both of us. Such is life, and it's the differences - alongside the similarities - in us that are the attraction and glue.

To my loves,

Saw this amazing shot of love and laughter on a photography page online a while ago, but I can't remember for the life of me where I found it. Regardless, rights are not mine to give, and all glory to the artist behind the camera as well as the smiling faces in front of it. 

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