So...we've - or I've - taken quite a break here.
I've been stormed by stress surrounding midterms, wrapping my brain around my ever-morphing thesis, and - most recently - setting up some exciting prospects for the coming year.
But (!) ..I'm back in business, and hoping to catch up on the last 2+ weeks. Goodness: 2+ weeks.
Quotes of the past days for your reading pleasure.
[+ photos from my recent trip to Toronto for your viewing pleasure.]
October 13.
People learn to lead because they care about something.
People learn to lead because they care about something.
Charlotte Bunch
Struggling with motivation for the various things going on in my life.
Struggling with seeing the goal at the end of all this as worth working so hard for.
Struggling with convincing myself that this is what I want.
It's interesting what a difference it makes when you give your heart the freedom to show you that you've gone wrong - and you listen!
I'm on my way to discovering what a detour I'm taking will look like, where it'll lead me, and how it'll - if it'll - find it's way back to the main road.
Cheers to caring enough to take a chance - and getting lucky!
October 14.
I think it's intoxicating when somebody is so unapologetically who they are.
Don Cheadle
And with this, he has me at hello.
October 15.
Sometimes when you wonder why you can't hear god's voice during your trials [or doubts], remember, the teacher is always quiet during the test.
Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. And exhale.
All I can really do is trust in what I know now. The test results will follow eventually - and usually - when it really matters - there's a chance for a re-take, if need be.
October 16.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart; on your own intelligence rely not.
Proverbs 3:5
How else am I to know the Lord or know what it is that I'm supposed to trust about the Lord and the Lord's infinite wisdom, if not by relying on the intelligence I was given by the Lord?
If someone could explain this concept to me, I would be that much smarter. But maybe that's not the point.
October 17.
Little by little, one travels far.
J.R.R. Tolkien
Even the simple act of reading these words calms my soul. Little, but still.
I feel by being honest with myself, by pushing myself to move away from what I've tried to convince myself is right toward what I've tried to convince myself is secondary...
I'm taking the first baby step.
October 18.
Whatever you do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it.
I am ever so excited, and equally as nervous - even a little unsure - about what my spring is shaping up to be.
Let's hope this small act of persistence breeds boldness, magic, and splendid new prospects. Best case scenario -- I've really, truly, found my niche!
October 19.
I am seeking. I am striving. I am in it with all my heart.
Van Gogh
It's exhausting, but how could I not?
October 20.
Those who love you are not fooled by mistakes you have made [...] They remember your beauty when you feel ugly, [...] and your purpose when you are confused.
Alan Cohen
October 21.
Everything will be ok in the end.
If it's not ok -- it's not the end.
To new beginnings, alternative directions, and making a spot for yourself wherever you are.
1 comment:
Tanjan taidekuvat osa. 104886324598
pus <3
t. pikkusisko
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