Monday, September 03, 2012

End of hibernation update #2

September 3
Quote(s) of the Day.

So, I've been supposedly too busy to keep up with writing quotes. I also a lot of times feel supposedly too busy or too tired or too something else to work on things ahead. Tough habit to beat, but maybe the fact that "conditions are never just right. People who delay action until all factors are favorable do nothing" (William Feathe, August 19) and considering that "we either make ourselves miserable [by procrastinating to the point of massive stress] or we make ourselves strong [by beating a habit and moving forward in this business called success]; the amount of work is the same" (Carlos Castaneda, August 20) will help me work on it. Early assignment turn-ins and well-slept nights before finals, here I come!

Looking at my last years calendar to write these quotes makes me realize over and over again that it's been a full - successful - year since I moved to NYC. And while I don't know if it's turned me into someone different, I do walk faster than before and have the pull to go out more often. "New York City does different things to different people, even creatures" (Ernesto Quinonez, August 21), and maybe for me it's created a balance between some of my polar opposite features: it's parks and water and wind bring out the nature-awe in me almost daily, it's insane amounts of people warm my sociable soul and feed my curious people-loving mind (crazy people watching opportunities, anyone?!). The fast-paced, night-life filled streets exhilarate yet exhaust me, and I run to the quietness of the rooftop and the calming skyline for a few breaths. New York City satisfies me; I don't need to yearn for excitement nor do I miss greenery and peace.

Putting on a different gear, finally - FINALLY - I'm feeling a bit at peace with regard to my thesis. Stressing, dissatisfaction, uncertainty, a few totally brain-blocks and a nearly complete topic-overhaul later, I's doing good! (Not that I've written a single page yet, but at least I'm in the right mood to get this painful-regardless-of-how-amazing-a-topic project done!) I'm moving ahead - slowly, after starting some aspects of this research from scratch - with faith in the words of Maya Angelou: "You can only become truly accomplished at something you love" (August 22). I believe staying true to my passion and not going where the fence is the lowest will serve me well.
Food for thought: "If you're going to be passionate about something, be passionate about learning. If you're going to fight for something, fight for those in need. If you're going to question something, question authority. If you're going to lose something, lose your inhibitions. If you're going to gain something, gain respect and confidence. And if you're going to hate something, hate the false idea that you're not capable of your dreams." D. Golsturg, August 23

Happy (short) week everyone!

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