Quote of the Day
When you lose, don't lose the lesson.
Dalai Lama
July 7
Quote of the Day
Everything you're looking for lies behind the mask you wear.
Stephen C. Paul
I'm not sure what sort of an existential crisis I was going through at this time last year, but all these be you, love you, listen to your heart quotes are starting to be a bit much in terms of having something to say about them. Granted, they fit, as where I am in life right now has a lot to do with "finding myself" and seeing how whatever I discover fits with the rest of my life and plays into the whole search for inner peace and satisfaction. Yet, having these quotes bombard me daily, on top of the similar thoughts that play pingpong in my mind nonstop, gets a little overwhelming.
What does it really mean that "I am everything I'm looking for"? And how do I take that without either becoming stuck up and incredibly selfish or putting ridiculous amounts of pressure on myself, developing my character, being aware and mindful of all the little nooks and crannies of what I am, want to be, and plan to move towards? And if I am the answer to it all, isn't that a pretty sad, lonely journey? Not that I wouldn't incorporate others into me - not that I don't realize that what this quote is talking about is that I have to first discover me to learn to deal with others and put myself in relationships successfully - but still I feel its not me who answers all the questions; it's not I who am the key to every locked door or impasse in my life; It's not me per se, but me realizing that I need others to work toward the answers with.
Everything I'm looking for may be realized only by looking inside me, discovering what it is that I truly hope to find and accomplish, but it's definitely not solely within me and through me and on my own that I'll find and accomplish it all.
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