July 30
Quote of the Day
Wherever you are, it is your friends that make your world.
William James
Amen. <3
Monday, July 30, 2012
Sunday, July 29, 2012
July 29
Quote of the Day
Finish each day and be done with it.
One way to look at this is, stop bothering yourself with things from the past that you can't change.
Another way to look at it is don't procrastinate, but get today's things done today, so you can move on.
Yet another way to look at it is reinventing yourself daily.
Heading homehome....NOW.
Got a plane to catch! :)
Quote of the Day
Finish each day and be done with it.
One way to look at this is, stop bothering yourself with things from the past that you can't change.
Another way to look at it is don't procrastinate, but get today's things done today, so you can move on.
Yet another way to look at it is reinventing yourself daily.
Heading homehome....NOW.
Got a plane to catch! :)
Saturday, July 28, 2012
July 28
Quote of the Day
Don't let yesterday use up too much of today.
Cherokee Proverb
We had a wonderful discussion today with some friends, and the beauty of an alzheimer patient's reactions to common things, such as the feel of one's skin, the beauty of a flower came up. Now, I'm not saying this makes alzheimer's a goal to reach for, but there's something to be considered here. But it's easy to say, "look at the beauty of discovering things anew, of appreciating the beauty in everyday life, of not letting the disappointments, the baggage of the past distract you, pull you away from the beauty of life..." It's much harder to find a way to make this happen.
Can I truly be separated from much of the past that makes my life my life? Would I want to? Should I want to? Isn't it my ability to look at history, to gaze in to the future, and to consider all these things in total - with today's thoughts, feelings, and emotions - what makes me human? Or does too much thinking and overanalyzing hinder the re-discovery of the primal human in me?
And what's "too much"?
Quote of the Day
Don't let yesterday use up too much of today.
Cherokee Proverb
We had a wonderful discussion today with some friends, and the beauty of an alzheimer patient's reactions to common things, such as the feel of one's skin, the beauty of a flower came up. Now, I'm not saying this makes alzheimer's a goal to reach for, but there's something to be considered here. But it's easy to say, "look at the beauty of discovering things anew, of appreciating the beauty in everyday life, of not letting the disappointments, the baggage of the past distract you, pull you away from the beauty of life..." It's much harder to find a way to make this happen.
Can I truly be separated from much of the past that makes my life my life? Would I want to? Should I want to? Isn't it my ability to look at history, to gaze in to the future, and to consider all these things in total - with today's thoughts, feelings, and emotions - what makes me human? Or does too much thinking and overanalyzing hinder the re-discovery of the primal human in me?
And what's "too much"?
Friday, July 27, 2012
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
July 25
Quote of the Day
First of all...Glorious Birthday to my Moron! <3 <3 <3
The only true gift is a portion of yourself.
When you give some of yourself, it means you lose something. It means compromising, it means putting your wants aside, it means considering the other's wants over yours.
This should happen not only in marriage and romantic relationships, but in friendships, in family-relationships, even at work.
Only as of late, I've begun realizing that giving a part of yourself is not the same as your views morphing and becoming closer to those of the people you love and value. Giving a part of yourself means having perhaps completely different views, but choosing to follow those of the other, because of the relationship you cherish. Because you love them. In other words, in relationships, "sometimes you have to believe despite of what you know," as a dear friend put it.
I have a feeling this road to less selfishness and more giving in will be quite agonizing, but the results that it can bring with it oh so much more valuable than getting my way - whatever that may mean.
Quote of the Day
First of all...Glorious Birthday to my Moron! <3 <3 <3
The only true gift is a portion of yourself.
When you give some of yourself, it means you lose something. It means compromising, it means putting your wants aside, it means considering the other's wants over yours.
This should happen not only in marriage and romantic relationships, but in friendships, in family-relationships, even at work.
Only as of late, I've begun realizing that giving a part of yourself is not the same as your views morphing and becoming closer to those of the people you love and value. Giving a part of yourself means having perhaps completely different views, but choosing to follow those of the other, because of the relationship you cherish. Because you love them. In other words, in relationships, "sometimes you have to believe despite of what you know," as a dear friend put it.
I have a feeling this road to less selfishness and more giving in will be quite agonizing, but the results that it can bring with it oh so much more valuable than getting my way - whatever that may mean.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
July 24
Quote of the Day
Believe nothing -
no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
A note to the me that I disagree with:
Where do you come off pushing these opinions, ideas, and emotions on me?
What makes you think I will break? The past breaks, the cracks you've created, the chaos you've caused...I'll take them all as beauty marks, incorporate them into my rich history.
A battle is not a battle if you don't come out of it with at least some scars.
Quote of the Day
Believe nothing -
no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
A note to the me that I disagree with:
Where do you come off pushing these opinions, ideas, and emotions on me?
What makes you think I will break? The past breaks, the cracks you've created, the chaos you've caused...I'll take them all as beauty marks, incorporate them into my rich history.
A battle is not a battle if you don't come out of it with at least some scars.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Saturday, July 21, 2012
July 21
Quote of the Day
Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky,
and I thought to myself,
where the heck is the ceiling?
The case of not seeing the amazing things at your disposal - at your feet or right in front of your eyes - because of wasting too much time noticing the things that aren't there.
It's the case of a glass half empty.
It's the case of falling asleep to a starry sky, waking up to fresh air and a deep breath, but completely missing the point.
Quote of the Day
Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky,
and I thought to myself,
where the heck is the ceiling?
The case of not seeing the amazing things at your disposal - at your feet or right in front of your eyes - because of wasting too much time noticing the things that aren't there.
It's the case of a glass half empty.
It's the case of falling asleep to a starry sky, waking up to fresh air and a deep breath, but completely missing the point.
Friday, July 20, 2012
July 20th
Quote of the Day
It's just water,
it's like rain.
you can't get mad at God!
Shea, 5 yrs, holding a water gun
I want the children in my life to be this awesome.
Then again, my friends already are.
Having people to lift you up, listen, believe in you, force you to snap out of it and laugh - at yourself, at the world, ...at getting soaked with water... that's vital.
Quote of the Day
It's just water,
it's like rain.
you can't get mad at God!
Shea, 5 yrs, holding a water gun
I want the children in my life to be this awesome.
Then again, my friends already are.
Having people to lift you up, listen, believe in you, force you to snap out of it and laugh - at yourself, at the world, ...at getting soaked with water... that's vital.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
July 18
Quote of the Day
It frightens me, the awful truth of how sweet life can be.
Bob Dylan
Commitment issues, the frightening boogie man behind the corner.
Always just a bit too far to be faced.
Always a bit too ridiculous to be admitted.
Always, always in the way of the really not so awful at all truth of how amazing life is.
Quote of the Day
It frightens me, the awful truth of how sweet life can be.
Bob Dylan
Commitment issues, the frightening boogie man behind the corner.
Always just a bit too far to be faced.
Always a bit too ridiculous to be admitted.
Always, always in the way of the really not so awful at all truth of how amazing life is.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
July 17
Quote of the Day
If I have half a chance, I'll grab it.
That's what I have. Half, maybe even a third, but that must be enough. I wouldn't be honest and fair to myself, to what I can be, to us and to what we can be, if I didn't do everything in my power to hold on to it, and make it work.
If it diminishes to nothing, I'm still better off having grabbed it and tried to realize it than having given up when there was still something worth cherishing.
So that's that.
Let me grab this..
Quote of the Day
If I have half a chance, I'll grab it.
That's what I have. Half, maybe even a third, but that must be enough. I wouldn't be honest and fair to myself, to what I can be, to us and to what we can be, if I didn't do everything in my power to hold on to it, and make it work.
If it diminishes to nothing, I'm still better off having grabbed it and tried to realize it than having given up when there was still something worth cherishing.
So that's that.
Let me grab this..
Monday, July 16, 2012
July 16
Quote of the Day
I'll always be there for you; no matter what. Because I love you.
This quote matters so much.
And it doesn't matter so much because of our perfect love. It doesn't matter so much because of the beauty of being in each other's arms and having wonderful memories. It doesn't matter so much because of the dreams we share. Well, of course it matters because of all these things, but the reason it matters SO much is because of hard times. It matters ridiculous amounts because of me clinging to these words at the most difficult of times, in the face of huge mistakes, at the mercy of the most deceptive feelings and behaviors.
These words matter and make up the ground I stand on because of the person behind them, is the person beside whom I can stand - I want to stand - no matter what, as I am.
Quote of the Day
I'll always be there for you; no matter what. Because I love you.
This quote matters so much.
And it doesn't matter so much because of our perfect love. It doesn't matter so much because of the beauty of being in each other's arms and having wonderful memories. It doesn't matter so much because of the dreams we share. Well, of course it matters because of all these things, but the reason it matters SO much is because of hard times. It matters ridiculous amounts because of me clinging to these words at the most difficult of times, in the face of huge mistakes, at the mercy of the most deceptive feelings and behaviors.
These words matter and make up the ground I stand on because of the person behind them, is the person beside whom I can stand - I want to stand - no matter what, as I am.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
The set of quotes from the past 3 days is a mishmash of randomness, and, honestly, I have nothing to say about them at this point in time.
July 15
Quote of the Day
Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions.
G.K. Chesterton
July 14
Quote of the Day
Design is only good if it's relevant.
Paul Rand
July 13
Quote of the Day
Don't kill the dream; execute it.
July 15
Quote of the Day
Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions.
G.K. Chesterton
July 14
Quote of the Day
Design is only good if it's relevant.
Paul Rand
July 13
Quote of the Day
Don't kill the dream; execute it.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
July 12
Quote of the Day
Everything you can imagine is real.
Sometimes it sucks being the glass half empty type of person.
Not that I don't have ambitions, dreams, and goals; not that I can't imagine all sorts of wonderful scenarios of a future grander and more satisfying that today sometimes seems. But yet these goals and dreams seem always behind the corner, always a bit too far, always a bit hazy when trying to picture them.
Quote of the Day
Everything you can imagine is real.
Sometimes it sucks being the glass half empty type of person.
Not that I don't have ambitions, dreams, and goals; not that I can't imagine all sorts of wonderful scenarios of a future grander and more satisfying that today sometimes seems. But yet these goals and dreams seem always behind the corner, always a bit too far, always a bit hazy when trying to picture them.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
July 9
Quote of the Day
It is impossible to have too much fun.
But as a matter of fact it is, isn't it? When you don't appreciate it any longer, it's too much. When you can't stop and emphatize with someone or be serious for a while from all the fun, it's a bit too much.
Fun is great. It's wonderful. But I wouldn't take a 100% fun life over a little mix of confusion, a few tears, and serious moments in there.
July 10
Life is too short to be small.
A life can't be small. It's an oxymoron, like a tiny giant, or being bored of excitement. A life - my life or yours - by definition, is grand. It's beyond explanation, above comparison to anything else, expanding moment by moment, day by day - even at it's most mundane or uneventful.
To live is to grow. To live is to matter. To live is to be virtually boundless. Now to embrace that idea in everyday living...a massive undertaking.
July 11
To live is to choose. But to choose well, you must know who you are and what you stand for, where you want to go and why you want to get there.
Kofi Annan
From me to I.
From I to you and I.
From you and I to us.
And as us to life at its best.
Quote of the Day
It is impossible to have too much fun.
But as a matter of fact it is, isn't it? When you don't appreciate it any longer, it's too much. When you can't stop and emphatize with someone or be serious for a while from all the fun, it's a bit too much.
Fun is great. It's wonderful. But I wouldn't take a 100% fun life over a little mix of confusion, a few tears, and serious moments in there.
July 10
Life is too short to be small.
A life can't be small. It's an oxymoron, like a tiny giant, or being bored of excitement. A life - my life or yours - by definition, is grand. It's beyond explanation, above comparison to anything else, expanding moment by moment, day by day - even at it's most mundane or uneventful.
To live is to grow. To live is to matter. To live is to be virtually boundless. Now to embrace that idea in everyday living...a massive undertaking.
July 11
To live is to choose. But to choose well, you must know who you are and what you stand for, where you want to go and why you want to get there.
Kofi Annan
From me to I.
From I to you and I.
From you and I to us.
And as us to life at its best.
Sunday, July 08, 2012
July 8
Quote of the Day
When you lose, don't lose the lesson.
Dalai Lama
This is a lesson in keeping your emotions in check. This is a lesson in keeping your eyes open, your frustrations at bay, your hopes alive. This is a lesson in moving on - smarter than before the halt.
July 7
Quote of the Day
Everything you're looking for lies behind the mask you wear.
Stephen C. Paul
I'm not sure what sort of an existential crisis I was going through at this time last year, but all these be you, love you, listen to your heart quotes are starting to be a bit much in terms of having something to say about them. Granted, they fit, as where I am in life right now has a lot to do with "finding myself" and seeing how whatever I discover fits with the rest of my life and plays into the whole search for inner peace and satisfaction. Yet, having these quotes bombard me daily, on top of the similar thoughts that play pingpong in my mind nonstop, gets a little overwhelming.
What does it really mean that "I am everything I'm looking for"? And how do I take that without either becoming stuck up and incredibly selfish or putting ridiculous amounts of pressure on myself, developing my character, being aware and mindful of all the little nooks and crannies of what I am, want to be, and plan to move towards? And if I am the answer to it all, isn't that a pretty sad, lonely journey? Not that I wouldn't incorporate others into me - not that I don't realize that what this quote is talking about is that I have to first discover me to learn to deal with others and put myself in relationships successfully - but still I feel its not me who answers all the questions; it's not I who am the key to every locked door or impasse in my life; It's not me per se, but me realizing that I need others to work toward the answers with.
Everything I'm looking for may be realized only by looking inside me, discovering what it is that I truly hope to find and accomplish, but it's definitely not solely within me and through me and on my own that I'll find and accomplish it all.
Quote of the Day
When you lose, don't lose the lesson.
Dalai Lama
July 7
Quote of the Day
Everything you're looking for lies behind the mask you wear.
Stephen C. Paul
I'm not sure what sort of an existential crisis I was going through at this time last year, but all these be you, love you, listen to your heart quotes are starting to be a bit much in terms of having something to say about them. Granted, they fit, as where I am in life right now has a lot to do with "finding myself" and seeing how whatever I discover fits with the rest of my life and plays into the whole search for inner peace and satisfaction. Yet, having these quotes bombard me daily, on top of the similar thoughts that play pingpong in my mind nonstop, gets a little overwhelming.
What does it really mean that "I am everything I'm looking for"? And how do I take that without either becoming stuck up and incredibly selfish or putting ridiculous amounts of pressure on myself, developing my character, being aware and mindful of all the little nooks and crannies of what I am, want to be, and plan to move towards? And if I am the answer to it all, isn't that a pretty sad, lonely journey? Not that I wouldn't incorporate others into me - not that I don't realize that what this quote is talking about is that I have to first discover me to learn to deal with others and put myself in relationships successfully - but still I feel its not me who answers all the questions; it's not I who am the key to every locked door or impasse in my life; It's not me per se, but me realizing that I need others to work toward the answers with.
Everything I'm looking for may be realized only by looking inside me, discovering what it is that I truly hope to find and accomplish, but it's definitely not solely within me and through me and on my own that I'll find and accomplish it all.
Friday, July 06, 2012
July 6
Quote of the Day
You can only see others as clearly as you see yourself.
It's often times much harder to see yourself than it is to get ideas about those around you, listen to yourself rather than them, look into yourself instead of judging people in your life.
When working on filling my life with good relationships, people that equal blessings, and a solid self-image, I've come to realize I've been dismissing my own thoughts and opinions too often. Now mind me, I'm pretty outspoken and unafraid to voice what I think, yet maybe this fact has made it that much more difficult to detect that I've been equating what others think, believe or feel with my personal beliefs.
So this quote hits home. And lots remains to be done on the path to understanding myself and giving an honest, open, fearless voice to me.
Quote of the Day
You can only see others as clearly as you see yourself.
It's often times much harder to see yourself than it is to get ideas about those around you, listen to yourself rather than them, look into yourself instead of judging people in your life.
When working on filling my life with good relationships, people that equal blessings, and a solid self-image, I've come to realize I've been dismissing my own thoughts and opinions too often. Now mind me, I'm pretty outspoken and unafraid to voice what I think, yet maybe this fact has made it that much more difficult to detect that I've been equating what others think, believe or feel with my personal beliefs.
So this quote hits home. And lots remains to be done on the path to understanding myself and giving an honest, open, fearless voice to me.
Thursday, July 05, 2012
July 5
Quote of the Day
Be who you are and say what you feel,
because those who matter don't mind,
and those that mind don't matter.
Dr. Seuss
Some of the greatest advice ever given. And while it's not as easy as one, two, three, this should be one of the greatest guiding lights to life. You'll feel free, people'll know you as who you are, and you'll have those in your life who really should be in it. Win, win, win.
Quote of the Day
Be who you are and say what you feel,
because those who matter don't mind,
and those that mind don't matter.
Dr. Seuss
Some of the greatest advice ever given. And while it's not as easy as one, two, three, this should be one of the greatest guiding lights to life. You'll feel free, people'll know you as who you are, and you'll have those in your life who really should be in it. Win, win, win.
Four days of quotes for 4th of July.
July 4.
Quote of the Day
You can't fail if you never give up.
Where does the line go, when it comes to knowing your limits, knowing that something may not be the right thing to attempt or the right path to take, and being persistent, driven, a go-getter?
July 3.
Quote of the Day
I can't tell if its killing me or making me stronger.
It's hard. Life. Living true to yourself, considering others, living love.
July 2.
Quote of the Day
If it is important to you, you will find a way.
If not, you'll find an excuse.
Quote of the Day
If you need to sign a release form, it's probably worth doing.
Dos Equis XX
Haha. Apart from where this quote came from, it's pretty legit.
Many of the best experiences of my life have followed taking a risk. Doing something I wasn't sure of, that didn't feel 100% comfortable doing, yet that pulled me like a magnet. Like diving off the tallest building in New Zealand, hitchhiking two days across Finland, coming to the US for college even if I have free schooling back home, and taking my own space while giving up the comfort of "the known," what has come to feel like home, love and the expected. Taking the time to figure me out, before figuring the future, us, or love out is perhaps one of the most frightening things, and while no tangible release form is involved, I need to acknowledge a lot - more than I'm comfortable with - risk. But here's to a great end result - one worth signing all this away for.
July 4.
Quote of the Day
You can't fail if you never give up.
Where does the line go, when it comes to knowing your limits, knowing that something may not be the right thing to attempt or the right path to take, and being persistent, driven, a go-getter?
July 3.
Quote of the Day
I can't tell if its killing me or making me stronger.
It's hard. Life. Living true to yourself, considering others, living love.
July 2.
Quote of the Day
If it is important to you, you will find a way.
If not, you'll find an excuse.
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The white circle is the target. |
Quote of the Day
If you need to sign a release form, it's probably worth doing.
Dos Equis XX
Haha. Apart from where this quote came from, it's pretty legit.
Many of the best experiences of my life have followed taking a risk. Doing something I wasn't sure of, that didn't feel 100% comfortable doing, yet that pulled me like a magnet. Like diving off the tallest building in New Zealand, hitchhiking two days across Finland, coming to the US for college even if I have free schooling back home, and taking my own space while giving up the comfort of "the known," what has come to feel like home, love and the expected. Taking the time to figure me out, before figuring the future, us, or love out is perhaps one of the most frightening things, and while no tangible release form is involved, I need to acknowledge a lot - more than I'm comfortable with - risk. But here's to a great end result - one worth signing all this away for.
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Stay thirsty my friends. |
Sunday, July 01, 2012
June 30th
Quote of the Day
When you want something, the whole universe will help you in reaching it.
Paulo Coelho
So I've come to the end of this month - exhausting, confusing, eventful, good-times-filled first month of summer. And what I have to say about the above quote is this: BS.
Either its chance or whatever you want to call it, but it is not as simple as A+B and you'll get to where you really want. I mean, even I won't always help in reaching what I really want, so why would the universe do it? How would the universe even know what I want if I'm so conflicted when it comes to that?
I'm more inclined to say that when you want something, there's always something else that you want competing with it, and you just have to make the best of it. Take the confusion, go with what your gut - or your conscience, heart, God - tells you, and work it out. Things happen the way they happen, and what I can do is make the best effort to make them work.
I don't really know what this all means - after all it's 4.20am - but what I do know is that things are definitely as clear cut and simple as "I want it, thus it must be what is meant to be."
Quote of the Day
When you want something, the whole universe will help you in reaching it.
Paulo Coelho
So I've come to the end of this month - exhausting, confusing, eventful, good-times-filled first month of summer. And what I have to say about the above quote is this: BS.
Either its chance or whatever you want to call it, but it is not as simple as A+B and you'll get to where you really want. I mean, even I won't always help in reaching what I really want, so why would the universe do it? How would the universe even know what I want if I'm so conflicted when it comes to that?
I'm more inclined to say that when you want something, there's always something else that you want competing with it, and you just have to make the best of it. Take the confusion, go with what your gut - or your conscience, heart, God - tells you, and work it out. Things happen the way they happen, and what I can do is make the best effort to make them work.
I don't really know what this all means - after all it's 4.20am - but what I do know is that things are definitely as clear cut and simple as "I want it, thus it must be what is meant to be."
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