Quote of the Day
A question that sometimes drives me hazy:
Am I or are the others crazy?
Albert Einstein
In a world where the norm dictates sanity, this is a valid question to ask yourself when choosing paths of action, thought, or belief. Depending on the definition of crazy, of course, you may end up having to label yourself as crazy, but even then its worth noting that this may not be a completely negative thing. Call me crazy, but I believe its out of the minds of seeming nut cases that change comes, and its a 50/50 chance of this change being good.
June 16
Quote of the Day
At his best man is the noblest of animals;
separated from law and justice he is the worst.
There's an additional factor which comes to play in determining when you consider yourself separated from law and justice. Are you free of them when you "can't" get caught, when there's no one around to witness your lawfulness, when you find a loophole or a way around a law? Are you free when your mind doesn't conceive the notion of "law" or "rules", when you're deemed insane? Or are you never separated from law and justice, because of conscience, proper upbringing, a certain kind of personality or obedience to God keeping you in line?
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