So here we go with three quotes of the past three days.
June 27
Tell me and I forget;
Show me and I remember;
Involve me and I understand.
I'm thinking this is pretty good for anyone in school, working on a new skill, teaching anyone anything, or overall hoping to learn something. And, mind you, it doesn't have to be left in someone else's hands for you to be involved in whatever you're hoping to understand - be proactive!
June 28
No dreamer is ever too small;
no dream ever too big.
And big dreams can lift up even the smallest people! :)
June 29
The soldier of light knows that in the silence of his heart is an order that is guiding him.
Paulo Coelho
I apologize for the bad translation to anyone who might have the correct, most likely more eloquent actual english version of this quote. Regardless, to quote Roxette, Listen to you heart!