May 31st
Quote of the Day
Youth would be an ideal state if it came a little later in life.
Herbert Henry Asquith
I don't agree at all! Why would it be? So you could be young and energetic and ready to go and experience all kinds of new things and discover when you should be responsible and sit down with your family and sit down to do work and be patient and whatnot? I don't really understand. I think human life's been designed pretty rationally, with youth and experimentation and running around risking things and trying things going hand in hand, and the calmer years coming right when they should. And by calmer I don't necessarily mean boring. or lifeless. or somehow "less". But I think many of the things that are a glorious part of adulthood and later life require the things that come with age. Whatever those are from individual to individual.
Speaking of that, I read a quote on aging and beauty by the stunning Hattie Retroage, which I think kind of relatedly sums my opinion on this up: "You don't compete with the young, you inspire them." Just calm down and embrace that you're not forever young.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
May 30th
Quote of the Day
Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.
Mark Twain
Always? This would astonish me. Most likely it would gratify me as well, but astonish definitely. It would be simple. Simple if the line between right and not right would be so clear as to be always seen. Always clearly crossed at one specific moment in time. Always solid. Do I open this door or not? Do I give into temptation or not?
Always do right. Holding this as your default setting will gratify your conscience and astonish those around.
Quote of the Day
Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.
Mark Twain
Always? This would astonish me. Most likely it would gratify me as well, but astonish definitely. It would be simple. Simple if the line between right and not right would be so clear as to be always seen. Always clearly crossed at one specific moment in time. Always solid. Do I open this door or not? Do I give into temptation or not?
Always do right. Holding this as your default setting will gratify your conscience and astonish those around.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Monday, May 28, 2012
Continuing the two-a-days.
May 27th
The learning process is something you can incite, literally incite, like a riot.
Audre Lorde
So here's to that, since this summer is going to be full of the need to learn and acquire new skills. New job tasks, externship work, research skills. It should all be manageable. Here's to a summer of riotous learning and joy!
May 28th
Your silence will not protect you.
Audre Lorde
I've been on a ms. Lorde streak, it seems, and there's nothing but positives in that! Read that again: Your silence will not protect you. Your inaction will not clear you from responsibility. Your passiveness will not be counted as a virtue.
May 27th
The learning process is something you can incite, literally incite, like a riot.
Audre Lorde
So here's to that, since this summer is going to be full of the need to learn and acquire new skills. New job tasks, externship work, research skills. It should all be manageable. Here's to a summer of riotous learning and joy!
May 28th
Your silence will not protect you.
Audre Lorde
I've been on a ms. Lorde streak, it seems, and there's nothing but positives in that! Read that again: Your silence will not protect you. Your inaction will not clear you from responsibility. Your passiveness will not be counted as a virtue.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
May 26
Quote of the Day
If I didn't define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people's fantasies for me and eaten alive.
Audre Lorde
These words touch on the crucial crossways of living considerate of others and the rules of the world, while not losing yourself. I've been spending a lot of hours thinking of things related. A lot.
One of my favorite quotes. By a genius.
Quote of the Day
If I didn't define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people's fantasies for me and eaten alive.
Audre Lorde
One of my favorite quotes. By a genius.
Quote of the Day
May 25
I am deliberate and afraid of nothing.
Audre Lorde
Today I got spanked by a hairy stranger while laying half-naked in heated temperatures.
That must mean I'm pretty fearless.
Whatever it means, it was definitely a part of a glorious day!
As a celebration of ending this semester and school year, the roommate and I went to a bathhouse and just relaxed. Well, apart from the spanking. Ate glorious food on the sunny back deck, chilled in the hot tub, chilled even more in the cold pool, swam, enjoyed the sauna (yey for a feeling of home! :D) and...just soaked it all in. Without having to think of things that are due, assignments that have to be done, work ahead. Glorious.
Now I'm not sure this has anything to do with being deliberate and fearless anymore, but this was my day. Glorious.
May 25
I am deliberate and afraid of nothing.
Audre Lorde
Today I got spanked by a hairy stranger while laying half-naked in heated temperatures.
That must mean I'm pretty fearless.
Whatever it means, it was definitely a part of a glorious day!
As a celebration of ending this semester and school year, the roommate and I went to a bathhouse and just relaxed. Well, apart from the spanking. Ate glorious food on the sunny back deck, chilled in the hot tub, chilled even more in the cold pool, swam, enjoyed the sauna (yey for a feeling of home! :D) and...just soaked it all in. Without having to think of things that are due, assignments that have to be done, work ahead. Glorious.
Now I'm not sure this has anything to do with being deliberate and fearless anymore, but this was my day. Glorious.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
May 22
Quote of the Day
All human beings have three lives:
and secret.
G.G. Marquez
While probably inevitable, I wonder if this is ultimately a good thing or a bad thing. Oftentimes when we think about functional, successful relationships, we highlight the need for honesty, for open communication. But in a world where everyone is ultimately "alone with his thoughts" should we leave space for that quiet corner in our minds thats only for ourselves? And if so - which I'm pretty sure should be the case - how much of a corner can this be, without harming the relationships that are ever so crucial to our well-being?
May 23
Quote of the Day
She had not known the weight until she felt the freedom.
Nathaniel Hawthorne; "The Scarlett Letter"
And then this.
Ignorance is bliss put in a more beautiful form, and perhaps negating the statement at once. Perhaps what it's promoting is the thought that it's worth questioning what we're used to, sometimes contradicting the common, reaching beyond the expected...even if it means risking comfort and safety. I don't know. But I do like the words he used.
Quote of the Day
All human beings have three lives:
and secret.
G.G. Marquez
While probably inevitable, I wonder if this is ultimately a good thing or a bad thing. Oftentimes when we think about functional, successful relationships, we highlight the need for honesty, for open communication. But in a world where everyone is ultimately "alone with his thoughts" should we leave space for that quiet corner in our minds thats only for ourselves? And if so - which I'm pretty sure should be the case - how much of a corner can this be, without harming the relationships that are ever so crucial to our well-being?
May 23
Quote of the Day
She had not known the weight until she felt the freedom.
Nathaniel Hawthorne; "The Scarlett Letter"
And then this.
Ignorance is bliss put in a more beautiful form, and perhaps negating the statement at once. Perhaps what it's promoting is the thought that it's worth questioning what we're used to, sometimes contradicting the common, reaching beyond the expected...even if it means risking comfort and safety. I don't know. But I do like the words he used.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Quotes of the Weekend
May 19
Wisdom begins in wonder.
On Friday I had a conversation with a coworker during delicious brunch. We shared a little about each other, talked about writing, poetry, words of wisdom, and she shared her favorite quote with me. As it turns out, it is a perfect fit with today's quote and goes like this: "When you pay attention, everything in life comes to you as a teacher." Inspired or pushed by the thought behind these wise words, I've been trying to pay more attention in the past days. Not necessarily to things I don't notice or see otherwise already, but to just give a little extra regard to the things I do see. Here's what has caught my thoughts: I live in New York City, which is pretty amazing. I can tan on the roof with the view of the skyline in the background, and I can tan, because it's summer and warm! I have the perfect circumstances for people-watching, which is one of my favorite past time activities. Glorious. I used to play "Guess who gets off at Bedford" every time I ride the train home, but lately I've been coming up with new substitutes for that, as it seems the lines of hipster city new york have gotten blurrier and my margin of error has grown too large. The City smells. This necessarily is not wisdom or anything amazing that I'm being taught, but it is something that I've paid attention to more. Anyway...You can connect with people that tad bit more when you smile. I've been doing this for years now, but in the last few days I've been paying a little more attention to the people's faces, to their responses. And I've been trying to stretch the smile into a few words or an offer to help. But yes, paying attention pays off. And makes a difference in how you experience life.
May 20
No medicine cures what happiness cannot.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Cures or prevents?
And even if that can be defined, I'm on the fence about this one.
May 19
Wisdom begins in wonder.
On Friday I had a conversation with a coworker during delicious brunch. We shared a little about each other, talked about writing, poetry, words of wisdom, and she shared her favorite quote with me. As it turns out, it is a perfect fit with today's quote and goes like this: "When you pay attention, everything in life comes to you as a teacher." Inspired or pushed by the thought behind these wise words, I've been trying to pay more attention in the past days. Not necessarily to things I don't notice or see otherwise already, but to just give a little extra regard to the things I do see. Here's what has caught my thoughts: I live in New York City, which is pretty amazing. I can tan on the roof with the view of the skyline in the background, and I can tan, because it's summer and warm! I have the perfect circumstances for people-watching, which is one of my favorite past time activities. Glorious. I used to play "Guess who gets off at Bedford" every time I ride the train home, but lately I've been coming up with new substitutes for that, as it seems the lines of hipster city new york have gotten blurrier and my margin of error has grown too large. The City smells. This necessarily is not wisdom or anything amazing that I'm being taught, but it is something that I've paid attention to more. Anyway...You can connect with people that tad bit more when you smile. I've been doing this for years now, but in the last few days I've been paying a little more attention to the people's faces, to their responses. And I've been trying to stretch the smile into a few words or an offer to help. But yes, paying attention pays off. And makes a difference in how you experience life.
May 20
No medicine cures what happiness cannot.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Cures or prevents?
And even if that can be defined, I'm on the fence about this one.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
May 16th
Quote of the Day
I postpone death by living, by suffering, by error, by risking, by giving, by losing.
Anais Nin
I've been trying to decipher my feelings lately. Understand where these things come from, how they morph from one thing to another as hours or days change. I've been analyzing, thinking, breaking down..I a lot of times frustrate myself by getting stuck in how things should be and how they should turn out. What needs to happen now in order for this or that to happen as a result, so that things go as planned and turn out the way they're supposed to. Supposedly.
I think what my state of being could be called is constant over analysis. Maybe its good, maybe not. It makes me aware of things, good? On another note, it makes me stuck. Whether its literally pausing activity because "I shouldn't" or "I can't" or whether its just being stuck in this mode of thinking and analyzing, without progress in sight, this is what today's quote makes me think of. Perhaps it's these things - suffering, error, risk, giving and losing - that I'm weary of opening up to.
But living is the only way to not succumb to death, right?
I feel like I should read more Anais Nin. (summer plan)
Quote of the Day
I postpone death by living, by suffering, by error, by risking, by giving, by losing.
Anais Nin
I've been trying to decipher my feelings lately. Understand where these things come from, how they morph from one thing to another as hours or days change. I've been analyzing, thinking, breaking down..I a lot of times frustrate myself by getting stuck in how things should be and how they should turn out. What needs to happen now in order for this or that to happen as a result, so that things go as planned and turn out the way they're supposed to. Supposedly.
I think what my state of being could be called is constant over analysis. Maybe its good, maybe not. It makes me aware of things, good? On another note, it makes me stuck. Whether its literally pausing activity because "I shouldn't" or "I can't" or whether its just being stuck in this mode of thinking and analyzing, without progress in sight, this is what today's quote makes me think of. Perhaps it's these things - suffering, error, risk, giving and losing - that I'm weary of opening up to.
But living is the only way to not succumb to death, right?
I feel like I should read more Anais Nin. (summer plan)
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Seems we're doing this 10-quote marathon again.
I had overseas quests for two weeks - thus the hiatus.
But here we go. This is a great bunch!
May 6th
Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions.
Ahh, the restorative powers of daydreaming! Roosa and I are doing great on this front. Grand, as a matter of fact!
May 7th
I restore myself when I'm alone.
Marilyn Monroe
I'm not sure that I'm one of these people, not at least to the fullest effect, but omg is quietness amazing at times! I'm drawn to the parks of the City; to sitting by the rivers; to sitting under a tree. Even to just sitting by Columbus Circle watching people walk by..quietly. In my own thoughts.
May 8th
Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
Will Rogers
May 9th
Love is a journey.
Aaaaand this is what starts playing in my head immediately upon reading the above quote:
Good times.
May 10th
We don't see things as they are; we see them as we are.
Anais Nin
May 11th
And I love you through all the complexities of life and my brain.
My complexities frustrate me. They confuse me. They annoy the crap out of me, push me to the edge. They make me who I am and define me.
But through all that, one solid, constant factor remains: I love you.
May 12th
Sometimes we reveal ourselves when we are least like ourselves.
Anais Nin
May 13th
Man is what he believes.
Anton Chekhov
May 14th
When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth.
Billy, age 4
I have my doubts about the genuineness of these kinds of disgustingly cute kiddy-quotes, but isn't this just adorable?
May 15th
That every life is noted and cherished. And nothing loved is ever lost or perished.
Madeleine L'engle
I had overseas quests for two weeks - thus the hiatus.
But here we go. This is a great bunch!
May 6th
Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions.
Ahh, the restorative powers of daydreaming! Roosa and I are doing great on this front. Grand, as a matter of fact!
May 7th
I restore myself when I'm alone.
Marilyn Monroe
I'm not sure that I'm one of these people, not at least to the fullest effect, but omg is quietness amazing at times! I'm drawn to the parks of the City; to sitting by the rivers; to sitting under a tree. Even to just sitting by Columbus Circle watching people walk by..quietly. In my own thoughts.
May 8th
Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
Will Rogers
May 9th
Love is a journey.
Aaaaand this is what starts playing in my head immediately upon reading the above quote:
Good times.
May 10th
We don't see things as they are; we see them as we are.
Anais Nin
May 11th
And I love you through all the complexities of life and my brain.
My complexities frustrate me. They confuse me. They annoy the crap out of me, push me to the edge. They make me who I am and define me.
But through all that, one solid, constant factor remains: I love you.
May 12th
Sometimes we reveal ourselves when we are least like ourselves.
Anais Nin
May 13th
Man is what he believes.
Anton Chekhov
May 14th
When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth.
Billy, age 4
I have my doubts about the genuineness of these kinds of disgustingly cute kiddy-quotes, but isn't this just adorable?
May 15th
That every life is noted and cherished. And nothing loved is ever lost or perished.
Madeleine L'engle
Saturday, May 05, 2012
Friday, May 04, 2012
May 4
Quote of the Day
There is the sky, which is all men's together.
Today I was enjoying places we all can cherish. Places you don't have to pay to visit: parks, the City streets, the river shores..and the sky. We made it across Brooklyn Bridge right as the sun began setting, and witnessed the sky change colors from light blue to darker, to all shades of pink all the way into a rich black. Glorious. Glorious sky. Breathtaking skyline.
And here it is, for you to share in as well!
Quote of the Day
There is the sky, which is all men's together.
Today I was enjoying places we all can cherish. Places you don't have to pay to visit: parks, the City streets, the river shores..and the sky. We made it across Brooklyn Bridge right as the sun began setting, and witnessed the sky change colors from light blue to darker, to all shades of pink all the way into a rich black. Glorious. Glorious sky. Breathtaking skyline.
And here it is, for you to share in as well!
Thursday, May 03, 2012
Wednesday, May 02, 2012
Seems I'm doing a mini quotations-marathon, yet again.
Here's what we have:
April 28
Quote of the Day
We can only learn to love by loving.
Iris Murdoch
And, boy, have I learned a lot, and it's the best school so far. Most rewarding and whatnot. :)

April 29
Quote of the Day
The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.
Paulo Coelho, "The Alchemist"
Mr. Coelho, smart and insightful as always.
April 30
Quote of the Day
Now that she had nothing to lose, she was free.
Paulo Coelho, "11 minutes"
Isn't that what the whole "If you had one day to live, what would you do?" and "Live like there's no tomorrow"s are all about? But the question is, how could this be adapted to real life. Really.
May 1
Quote of the Day
It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.
Paulo Coelho, "The Alchemist"

Today was the day I could have won big. Greencard-big. USA-big. And the jitters were there, the excitement of the possibility behind the click or two online. But now we're onto another day and other possibilities. Other dreams to make life worth it :) Until next May, right?
May 2
Quote of the Day
I often quote myself. It adds spice to my conversation.
George Bernard Shaw
This just makes me laugh. It is such a deliciously self-indulging idea, this quoting yourself. Anonymously or whatever. Amazing.
I'm going to bed with a smile on my face :)
Here's what we have:
April 28
Quote of the Day
We can only learn to love by loving.
Iris Murdoch
And, boy, have I learned a lot, and it's the best school so far. Most rewarding and whatnot. :)

April 29
Quote of the Day
The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.
Paulo Coelho, "The Alchemist"
Mr. Coelho, smart and insightful as always.
April 30
Quote of the Day
Now that she had nothing to lose, she was free.
Paulo Coelho, "11 minutes"
Isn't that what the whole "If you had one day to live, what would you do?" and "Live like there's no tomorrow"s are all about? But the question is, how could this be adapted to real life. Really.
May 1
Quote of the Day
It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.
Paulo Coelho, "The Alchemist"
Today was the day I could have won big. Greencard-big. USA-big. And the jitters were there, the excitement of the possibility behind the click or two online. But now we're onto another day and other possibilities. Other dreams to make life worth it :) Until next May, right?
May 2
Quote of the Day
I often quote myself. It adds spice to my conversation.
George Bernard Shaw
This just makes me laugh. It is such a deliciously self-indulging idea, this quoting yourself. Anonymously or whatever. Amazing.
I'm going to bed with a smile on my face :)
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