But here we go, three days worth of quotes:
Quote of April 23rd
Life is just a mirror, and what you see out there, you must first see inside you.
Wally "Famous" Amos
Like possibilities! I feel like as long as there are possibilities that I can see, all's not lost. Go on, dreamers, go on towards your dreams! :) ----> Bustling, yet perfectly quiet coffee/flower/designshop/bookstore a few blocks from the beach here we come!
April 24
Quote of the Day
In the right light,
at the right time,
everything is extraordinary.
Aaron Rose
Today I woke up and climbed up to the roof to water my plants. Many of them suffering, some working hard to grow and defeat the soil and the spring winds, but all of them beautiful! Its amazing how much enjoyment a few pots and bags of soil with the potential of growth and greenery can bring me. So anyway, where I was going with this was that when I stepped outside from the top of our staircase....Amazing light! The sun was so glorious, the breezy warmth perfection on my skin, and the refreshing air so all-encompassing that my whole day was lit up. Even the somewhat pathetic look of my work-in-progress garden was amazing bathing in this perfect light and sun-love. <3
April 25
Quote of the Day
[Spring is] when life's alive in everything.
Christina Rossetti
What a perfect quote for another beautiful day that began with plant watering. Or it would be, if I weren't feeling all but alive. I overslept and woke up drowsy, stuffy, and headachy. I was upset because of the hours of work time I had missed, and I was annoyed that I woke up so annoyed. And the to-do list was weighing on my head with its pounding words.
The night brought with it some brighter and lighter things, though, and life's fighting back tougher than ever! How can I stay gloomy and blah when I hear such good news! :)
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