Monday, January 16, 2012

A year ago I turned 25.
25! unbelievable.
So this means now I´m 26 and - as my boyfriend reminded me - losing muscle agility and fertility by the day. Nicce.
So with all these good news I thought I need to at least keep my mind busy and working, and stick to my 25th Birthday resolution. All last year I collected amazing quotes. A quote a day - well, more or less so -, and the plan is to post a quote matching today from the quotes I collected from alongside my year of being 25 - and still young, agile, muscular and fertile! Haha. With each quote there´ll always (or should I say hopefully) be a little something more...a picture I took with the quote in mind..some thoughts...prayers..whatever seems to match today´s quote.
I´m thinking this will be a sort of diary-poetry-book for my aging soul (again, thanks bab!), but if anyone´s loving the quotes, feel free to keep coming back and reading.

None of these quotes are mine, unless specifically stated, so all glory and praises to the wise minds of our time and history. I love every single one of these, and I hope you will too.

So here we go (already with a day´s delay, but hey, I´ll post two to catch up!):

January 15th
Quote of the Day

The difference
between the right word and almost the right word
is the difference between lighting
and a lightning bug.
Mark Twain

You know when you´ve thought of saying those three words to that special someone, and you sweat it and you´re nervous, and finally you get the courage to say them and....s/he says something along the lines of "thanks!" or..."oh, that´s so sweet!" In theory nothing wrong with either of those lines, but....seriously??
Note to self I wrote a long time ago after my boyfriend of now four years said "I love you": Never, never answer to that line with: "You´re a good man." Just don´t do it. It doesn´t leave a good impression. Or, who knows, maybe it does, since we´re four years into this and going stronger than ever!
But seriously, think before you blurt just any flow of words out of that mouth God gave you. It can make a serious difference, whether at a job interview, when starting (or ending) a relationship, or just speaking to people in everyday life.
Officially my first lesson for this year.

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