Umhhh..Nothing much to say, I just wanted to ask ya'll opinion on me shaving my hair off. Let me know, let me know! THat's something that Ive wanted to do for ages but never managed to actually stop chickening out and actually got around to doing it....soo...i figured this might be a good time, since I'm far away from my parents, so there's no imminent danger.. :D
I'm preeeetty tired this morning. Got off the phone at 3am this morning, and got about 4hours of sleep...tonight's not gonna be any better either , 'cause i got a politic's paper to write. Not complaining though, I've found a new interest in politics, so I'm actually kind of excited about writing this thing..
Hmm hmm hmm....Suomi-ikava. That's just something that's been bothering me the last couple of days. It's weird how we people never seem to be happy with where we're at in our lives (both physically and, you know, mentally or emotionally or whatever..) . .Everything would be a lot easier if we could worry about today and not be reminiscing (i've just totally forgot how to spell that word..) over the past. What's here today and what's awaiting for me tomorrow is what matters, and to make the best out of it I should be able to cease the moment..this moment. right now. yea. Anyways, that's about as much of deep-talking that I can stand for right now. :)
I need to get going to class, but I'll try to be more active in writing here ....
Thanks for the help with the pic Maryann....Soulmate..Ann..Marianne :D So many names for one person...gets poor little me confused. I'll need to get some more pics up, especially if I become hairless one of these days..that might be worth seeing..
Be good now.