Saturday, February 23, 2013

February 23.

Quote of the Day. 

The point is to be fully present, to not be swept up into the distraction of a thousand voices, but to learn how to simply and fully attend to one. 
M. Gungor

Monday, January 28, 2013

Quote of the Day.

Sometimes people are beautiful. 
Not in looks. 
Not in what they say. 
Just in what they are. 

Markus Zusak, I am the messenger

At the beach this summer, the most glorious woman caught my eye.
I turned into the creepy camera-woman, trying to capture the sincerity in her enjoyment of the ocean and the waves, the way she loved stepping along the shoreline, shaking the drops off her hair as she returned to the sand after a good swim.
From the number of blurry shots, this one is the only one in which you can see her - and maybe it's better that way, so that one can imagine the rest of her day. Where she's coming from, what she's moving towards...The pure joy of a summer-day at the beach.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January 15.

Quote of the Day. 

We never really grow up;
we only learn how to act in public. 
Unknown -

I guess I was pretty correct in my prediction a year ago, when I picked this quote. A year has gone, yet I don't know that much has changed. Much about me, at least. My surroundings have changed, my situation has changed...but I feel I keep treading the same waters, falling into the same traps, and loving the same goofy things.
Or maybe I'm just too close to see the progress and growth which might inevitably have taken place during the last 365 days.

This quote also kind of makes me think of this blog, and the quest I set on a year ago. I foresaw all sorts of growth, perseverance, insight ...But I think, however many quotes later - definitely not 365 - I've shown myself that I'm not as head strong as I thought I could be, I run away from goals rather than toward them (Onks toi joku bulgarialainen tapa vai? hah), and I don't seem to care about achieving something like this, as much as I told myself it'll prove something. It'll prove that I can.
Oh well.

Here I am, so GLAD I can now quiet the nagging debate in my head about whether it's important or not to post the daily quotes, and I can truly just concentrate on life...posting only when I truly feel inspired to.
I do think I've gained one good thing from this process, and that's a rather large collection of quotes that I more or less love. Cheers to that.

- And Happy 27th Birthday to me!

Monday, January 14, 2013

January 14.

Quote of the Day. 

Humans cannot create matter. We can, however, create value. 
Creating value is, in fact, our very humanity.

One more post to go...

Sunday, January 13, 2013

January 11. + 12. + 13.

Quote good enough for three days.

She is clothed in strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.

Proverbs 31:25

Here I was convinced I'd stick to a post a day for the last days of the year, but, alas, weak is my flesh!
Regardless, the above is yet another goal for this coming year. The goal is actually three-fold, with a feature to reach for reserved per quote-needing day: strength, dignity, fearlessness.
Somehow, the up-coming age of 27 sounds like a number that calls forth the need for some adult-like wisdom (not without child-like silliness and innocent fun, of course) and dignity, alongside some strength to conquer future endeavors as graduation nears. I'm taking a deep breath and getting ready to plunge in.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

January 10.

Quote of the Day. 

Spend some time alone everyday. 
Dalai Lama

It's been good to be alone for some time after the madness of the finished semester and the holidays, in the midst of the changes that are upon me, and after having a crowded apartment for several weeks. Yet, after almost 10 days of a quiet home to come to and a wide wide bed to sleep in whatever way I want to, I'm ready to share it all with someone again.
It's most obvious that something's missing in two kinds of situations: one, when I'm sick and tired, but have to get up to make my own tea, crawl out into the coldness to find the third blanket, and fill up the water bottle yet again, with all my muscles aching as if I had worked out (which I haven't, by the way, in several months...) and no one to give me a massage to ease some of the pain or, two, when I'm super excited about that surprise check that I found by the door or the new knives I finally got on sale, so that we can actually enjoy cutting things that may require a slightly bigger, stronger blade...but it's just me and I can't even call overseas.
Alone time is good. But it's not nearly as good when it replaces too much of the together-time that's just as good.

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

January 9.

Quote of the Day.

It's not hard to decide what you want your life to be about. What's hard, she said, is figuring out what you're willing to give up in order to do the things you really care about. 
Shauna Nieguist 

This one I borrowed from since I was missing a quote for today. 
And that pretty much sums it up. 

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

January 8.

Quote of the Day. 

We are not free from conditions, 
but we are free to take a stand 
against these restrictions. Ultimately, 
these conditions are subject to 
our decisions. 
G. Corey 

Monday, January 07, 2013

January 7.

Quote of the Day. 

Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed.
Francis Bacon, 
Novum Organum 1620

And isn't it really the same with human interaction?